Category: Vol 6, Issue 4, 2007

Comparative genomics of grasses tolerantto aluminum

S.N. JardimPublished December 21, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1178-1189 (2007) About the authorS.N. Jardim Corresponding authorS.N. JardimE-mail: ABSTRACT  The family Poaceae includes over 10,000 species, among which are the most economically important cereals: maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, rye, barley, and oat. These cereals are very important components of human and animal food. Although […]

Microsporogenesis in inbred line of popcorn(Zea mays L.)

G.C.L. Ricci, N. Silva, M.S. Pagliarini, C.A. ScapimPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1013-1018 (2007) About the authorsG.C.L. Ricci, N. Silva, M.S. Pagliarini, C.A. Scapim Corresponding authorM.S. PagliariniE-mail: ABSTRACT Endogamy places genes for several characteristics in homozygosis, which include those related to meiosis causing abnormalities that may impair gamete viability. An original […]

Isolation and characterization of microsatelliteDNA in the piracema fish Prochilodus lineatus(Characiformes)

G.M. Yazbeck, E. KalapothakisPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1026-1034 (2007) About the authorsG.M. Yazbeck, E. Kalapothakis Corresponding authorE. KalapothakisE-mail: ABSTRACT We described five novel microsatellite loci for the piracema fish species Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes), endemic to South America and of extreme importance to both commercial and artisanal fisheries across its occurrence […]

An optimized mini-preparation method toobtain high-quality genomic DNA frommature leaves of sunflower

J.T. Li1, J. Yang, D.C. Chen, X.L. Zhang, Z.S. TangPublished December 4, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1064-1071 (2007) About the authorsJ.T. Li1, J. Yang, D.C. Chen, X.L. Zhang, Z.S. Tang Corresponding authorJ. YangE-mail: ABSTRACT In order to investigate the mutation characteristics and to further examine the genetic variation of mutant sunflower (Helianthus annuus) […]

LEPR p.Q223R, β3-AR p.W64R and LEP c.-2548G>A gene variants in obese Braziliansubjects

S.F.P. Duarte, E.A. Francischetti, V.A. Genelhu, P.H. Cabello, M.M.G. PimentelPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1035-1043 (2007) About the authorsS.F.P. Duarte, E.A. Francischetti, V.A. Genelhu, P.H. Cabello, M.M.G. Pimentel Corresponding authorE.A. FrancischettiE-mail: ABSTRACT Obesity is due to the combined effects of genes, environment, lifestyle, and the interactions of these factors. The adrenergic […]

Pedigree analyses in the Breeding Program forNellore Cattle

P.A. Vozzi1, C.R. Marcondes, L.A.F. Bezerra, R.B. LôboPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1044-1050 (2007) About the authorsP.A. Vozzi1, C.R. Marcondes, L.A.F. Bezerra, R.B. Lôbo Corresponding authorP.A. VozziE-mail:  ABSTRACT Parameters based on the probability of gene origin were used to describe genetic variability in three reproductive groups from the Breeding Program for […]

Candida albicans GRX2, encoding a putativeglutaredoxin, is required for virulence in amurine model

G.M. Chaves, S. Bates, D.M. MacCallum, F.C. OddsPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1051-1063 (2007) About the authorsG.M. Chaves, S. Bates, D.M. MacCallum, F.C. Odds Corresponding authorF.C. OddsE-mail: ABSTRACT Resistance of Candida albicans to reactive oxygen species is thought to enhance its virulence in mammalian hosts. Genes such as SOD1, which encodes […]

Cassava genetic resources and their utilizationfor breeding of the crop

Nagib M.A. NassarPublished December 20, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1151-1168 (2007) About the authorsNagib M.A. Nassar Corresponding authorN.M.A. NassarE-mail: ABSTRACT Wild cassava relatives are perennials and vary in growth pattern from nearly acaulescent subshrubs to small trees. They have been used as a source of useful characters such as high protein content, apomixis, […]

Increased gene coverage and Alu frequencyin large linkage disequilibrium blocks of thehuman genome

Y. Wang, P.Y. Fong, F.C.C. Leung, W. Mak, P.C. ShamPublished December 11, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1131-1141 (2007) About the authorsY. Wang, P.Y. Fong, F.C.C. Leung, W. Mak, P.C. Sham Corresponding author: Y. WangE-mail:  ABSTRACT The human genome has linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks, within which single-nucleotide polymorphisms show strong association with each other. […]

Cross-amplification tests of ungulate primersin the endangered Neotropical pampas deer(Ozotoceros bezoarticus)

M. Cosse, S. González, J.E. MaldonadoPublished December 11, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1118-1122 (2007) About the authorsM. Cosse, S. González, J.E. Maldonado Corresponding authorM. CosseE-mail: ABSTRACT In cross-species amplification tests of 15 ungulate primers in pampas deer, five were retained to form a small panel of highly polymorphic loci that could be used […]

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