Research Topics

Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections that focus on current and relevant themes in science. Suggested, organized, and led by top researchers, they bring together contributions by experts from around the world to stimulate collaboration and promote the interchange of ideas to help resolve important issues in this constantly changing and demanding world. 
Managed and made available on the open access platform of Genetics and Molecular Research, these article collections stimulate reader interest and citations for your research. All Research Topic articles are available in the Research Topics section (LINK) and in the normal online journal issues. The number of article views for each publication can be seen in the journal. Articles that have especially high impact will be displayed on the opening page of the journal.
Become well known in your research theme, increasing the visibility and impact of your work. The journal’s editorial staff will aid in the peer review process and editing to help you and the contributing authors make solid and useful contributions to advance science.
If you would like to suggest a new Research Topic,  fill out this short form.
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