Category: Vol 2, Issue 1, 2003

Mining microorganism EST databases in the quest for new proteins

Alessandra Conceição Faria-Campos, Gustavo Coutinho Cerqueira, Charles Anacleto, José Miguel Ortega, Cláudia Márcia Benedetto de CarvalhoPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 169-177 Cite this Article:A.Conceiçã Faria-Campos, G.Coutinho Cerqueira, C. Anacleto, J.Miguel Ortega, C.Márcia Be de Carvalho (2003). Mining microorganism EST databases in the quest for new proteins. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 169-177. […]

Stage-specific gene expression during Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclogenesis

Andréa Rodrigues Ávila, Bruno Dallagiovanna, Sueli Fumie Yamada-Ogatta, Viviane Monteiro-Góes, Stênio Perdigão Fragoso, Marco Aurélio Krieger, Samuel GoldenbergPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 159-168 Cite this Article:A.Rodrigues Ávila, B. Dallagiovanna, S.Fumie Yamada-Ogatta, V. Monteiro-Góes, S.Perdigão Fragoso, M.Aurélio Krieger, S. Goldenberg (2003). Stage-specific gene expression during Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclogenesis. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): […]

Control of gene expression and genetic manipulation in the Trypanosomatidae

Santuza M.R. Teixeira, Wanderson D. da RochaPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 148-158 Cite this Article:S.M.R. Teixeira, W.D. da Rocha (2003). Control of gene expression and genetic manipulation in the Trypanosomatidae. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 148-158. About the AuthorsSantuza M.R. Teixeira, Wanderson D. da Rocha Correspondin author S.M.R.TeixriraE-mail: ABSTRACT Mechanisms controlling gene […]

Sex in fungi: lessons of gene regulation

Cristina A.J. Souza, Carla C. Silva, \Adlane V.-B. FerreiraPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 136-147 Cite this Article:C.A.J. Souza, C.C. Silva, A.V.B. Ferreira (2003). Sex in fungi: lessons of gene regulation. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 136-147. About the AuthorsCristina A.J. Souza, Carla C. Silva, Adlane V.-B. Ferreira Corresonding authorA.V._B. FerreiraE-mail: ABSTRACT […]

Molecular epidemiology of the hepatitis C virus in Brazil

Solange Busek, Guilherme OliveiraPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 117-123 Cite this Article:S. Busek, G. Oliveira (2003). Molecular epidemiology of the hepatitis C virus in Brazil. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 117-123. About the AuthorsSolange Busek, Guilherme Oliveira Corresponding authorG.OliveriraE-mail: ABSTRACT Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease […]

Evaluation of alternative reporter genes for the yeast two-hybrid system

Alessandra L. Starling, Kenneth J. Gollob, Elisabete J. Vicente, Gisele M. Andrade-Nóbrega, Mônica B. RodriguezJ. Miguel OrtegaPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 124-135 Cite this Article:A.L. Starling, K.J. Gollob, E.J. Vicente, G.M. Andrade-Nóbrega, M.B. Rodriguez, M. Ortega (2003). Evaluation of alternative reporter genes for the yeast two-hybrid system. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): […]

Challenges when transferring technology from Lactococcus laboratory strains to industrial strains

Eric JohansenPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 112-116 Cite this Article:E. Johansen (2003). Challenges when transferring technology from Lactococcus laboratory strains to industrial strains. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 112-116. About the AuthorsEric Johansen Corresponding authorE.JohansenE-mail: ABSTRACT Many genetically modified Lactococcus strains have been constructed in research laboratories around the world. Most of these […]

Heterologous protein production and delivery systems for Lactococcus lactis

Sébastien Nouaille, Luciana A. Ribeiro, Anderson Miyoshi, Daniela Pontes, Yves Le Loir, Sergio Costa Oliveira, Philippe Langella, Vasco AzevedoPublished: March 31, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 102-111 Cite this Article:S. Nouaille, L.A. Ribeiro, A. Miyoshi, D. Pontes, Y. Le Loir, S.Costa Oliveira, S.Costa Oliveira, P. Langella, V. Azevedo (2003). Heterologous protein production and delivery […]

Operon mer: Bacterial resistance to mercury and potential for bioremediation of contaminated environments

Andréa M.A. Nascimento, Edmar Chartone-SouzaPublished: March 30, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 92-101 Cite this Article:A.M.A. Nascimento, E. Chartone-Souza (2003). Operon mer: Bacterial resistance to mercury and potential for bioremediation of contaminated environments. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 92-101. About the AuthorsAndréa M.A. NascimentoM, Edmar Chartone-Souza Corresponding authorA.M.A. NascimentoE-mail: ABSTRACT Mercury is present in […]

Escherichia coli as a model system to study DNA repair genes of eukaryotic organisms

Luiz Augusto-Pinto, Carlos Gustavo Regis da Silva, Débora de Oliveira Lopes, Alice Machado-Silva, Carlos Renato MachadoPublished: March 30, 2003Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 77-91 Cite this Article:L. Augusto-Pinto, C.Gustavo Re da Silva, Dde Oliveir Lopes, A. Machado-Silva, C.Renato Machado (2003). Escherichia coli as a model system to study DNA repair genes of eukaryotic organisms. […]

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