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Long survival in a 69, XXX triploid infant in Greece

Dimitrios Iliopoulos, Georgia Vassiliou, Eleni Sekerli, Vasiliki Sidiropoulou, Alexandra Tsiga, Despina Dimopoulou, Nikolaos VoyiatzisPublished December 12, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 755-759 (2005) About the AuthorsDimitrios Iliopoulos, Georgia Vassiliou, Eleni Sekerli, Vasiliki Sidiropoulou, Alexandra Tsiga, Despina Dimopoulou, Nikolaos Voyiatzis Corresponding authorD. IliopoulosEmail: ABSTRACT The live birth of a triploidy infant is a very rare […]

Molecular phylogeny of penaeid shrimps inferred from two mitochondrial markers.

Carolina M. Voloch, Pablo R. Freire and Claudia A.M. RussoPublished November 10, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 668-674 (2005) About the AuthorsCarolina M. Voloch, Pablo R. Freire and Claudia A.M. Russo Corresponding authorC.A.M. RussoEmail: ABSTRACT Penaeid shrimps are an important resource in crustacean fisheries, representing more than the half of the gross production of […]

Development and optimization of a fluorescent differential display PCR system for studying bovine embryo development in vitro.

Paula Ripamonte, Giovana Krempel Merighe, Yeda Fumie Watanabe, Alexandre Rodrigues Caetano, Flávio Vieira MeirellesPublished December 7, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 726-733 (2005) About the AuthorsPaula Ripamonte, Giovana Krempel Merighe, Yeda Fumie Watanabe, Alexandre Rodrigues Caetano, Flávio Vieira Meirelles Corresponding authorF.V. MeirellesEmail: ABSTRACT Differential display is a widely used methodology to identify genes that […]

Heterochromatin and chromosome evolution: a FISH probe of Cebus apella paraguayanus (Primate: Platyrrhini) developed by chromosome microdissection.

Mariela Nieves, María Mühlmann, Marta Dolores MudryPublished November 17, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 675-683 (2005) About the AuthorsMariela Nieves, María Mühlmann, Marta Dolores Mudry Corresponding authorM. ABSTRACT Neotropical Primate karyotypes are highly variable, particularly in the heterochromatic regions, not only regarding the amount of heterochromatin, but also the composition. G and C banding […]

A three-step molecular protocol employing DNA obtained from dried blood spots for neonatal screening for 45,X Turner syndrome

Mylene Neves Rocha, Murilo Rezende Melo, Carlos Alberto Longui, Daniela Vilariço Alves de Oliveira, Carolina Costa Figueiredo, Paulo Roberto PacchiPublished December 9, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 749-754 (2005) About the AuthorsMylene Neves Rocha, Murilo Rezende Melo, Carlos Alberto Longui, Daniela Vilariço Alves de Oliveira, Carolina Costa Figueiredo, Paulo Roberto Pacchi Corresponding authorM.N. RochaEmail: […]

Karyotype of Brazilian Anopheles albitarsis sensu lato (Diptera:Culicidae)

Míriam Silva Rafael, Ivanildo Pereira dos Santos-Junior, Wanderli Pedro Tadei, Maria Anice Mureb Sallum, Oswaldo Paulo ForattiniPublished November 17, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 684-690 (2005) About the AuthorsMíriam Silva Rafael, Ivanildo Pereira dos Santos-Junior, Wanderli Pedro Tadei, Maria Anice Mureb Sallum, Oswaldo Paulo Forattini Corresponding authorM.S. RafaelEmail: ABSTRACT Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis sensu lato […]

Psychogenetics of Ullrich-Turner syndrome (an investigation of 28 subjects and respective controls through the Bender test and Piagetian scales) (Psicogenética da síndrome de Ullrich-Turner (investigação de 28 sujeitos com respectivos controles através do teste de Bender e dasescalas de Piaget))

Piagetian scales (PS) and Bender visual motor gestalt test (BT), as well as laterality and Ishihara tests, were applied to 28 subjects with universal 45,X Ullrich-Turner syndrome (UTS), and their respective controls, in order to investigate their cognitive performance. Dermatoglyphics were also analyzed to obtain “clues” of embryological changes that may have appeared during nervous […]

Public sphere and the sustainability of the bioinformatics promise

Marcelo Leite Published: December 30, 2004 Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (4) : 575-581   Cite this Article: M. Leite (2004). Public sphere and the sustainability of the bioinformatics promise. Genet. Mol. Res. 3(4): 575-581.   About the Authors Marcelo Leite   ABSTRACT The literature about genomics and bioinformatics achievements in high-impact journals such as Nature and Science has raised disproportionate expectations amongst the […]

Bioinformatics: perspectives for the future

Luciano da Fontoura Costa Published: December 30, 2004 Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (4) : 564-574   Cite this Article: Lda Fontour Costa (2004). Bioinformatics: perspectives for the future. Genet. Mol. Res. 3(4): 564-574.   About the Authors Luciano da Fontoura Costa   Corresponding author L. da F. Costa E-mail:    ABSTRACT I give here a very personal perspective […]

Using bradykinin-potentiating peptide structures to develop new antihypertensive drugs

Jorge Hernandez Fernandez, Goran Neshich, Antonio Carlos M. Camargo Published: December 30, 2004 Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (4) : 554-563   Cite this Article: J.Hernandez Fernandez, G. Neshich, A.Carlos M. Camargo (2004). Using bradykinin-potentiating peptide structures to develop new antihypertensive drugs. Genet. Mol. Res. 3(4): 554-563.   About the Authors  Jorge Hernandez Fernandez, Goran Neshich, Antonio Carlos M. Camargo   Corresponding author J.H. […]

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