Category: Technical Note

Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the hard-shelled mussel, Mytilus coruscus (Mytilidae)

T.-J. Xu, Y.-N. Sun, Y.-T. Yuan, Z. Liao and R.-X. WangPublished July 13, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (3): 1388-1391 (2010)DOI 10.4238/vol9-3gmr856 About the AuthorsT.-J. Xu, Y.-N. Sun, Y.-T. Yuan, Z. Liao and R.-X. Wang Corresponding author:R.-X. WangE-mail: ABSTRACT Mytilus coruscus is one of the most important cultured species of marine shellfish in China. Using […]

Polymorphic microsatellite loci from two enriched genomic libraries for the genetic analysis of the miiuy croaker, Miichthys miiuy (Sciaenidae)

R.X. Wang, T.J. Xu, Y.N. Sun and G.Y. HePublished May 18, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (2): 931-934 (2010)DOI 10.4238/vol9-2gmr806 About the authorsR.X. Wang, T.J. Xu, Y.N. Sun and G.Y. He Corresponding authorG.Y. HeE-mail: ABSTRACT Twelve polymorphic microsatellites from the (AG)13 and (CA)13 enriched genomic libraries of Miichthys miiuy were isolated and characterized in a test […]

Computing numerator relationships between any pair of animals

L.D. Van VleckPublished September 30, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 685-690 (2007) About the authorsL.D. Van Vleck Corresponding authorL.D. Van VleckE-mail: ABSTRACT We describe a simple method to compute the numerator relationship between any or all pairs of animals in the numerator relation- ship matrix. The method depends on output of the MTDFNRM program […]

Identification of nutrient-dependent changes in extracellular pH and acid phosphatase secretion in Aspergillus nidulans

J.S. Freitas, E.M. Silva, A. RossiPublished September 30, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 721-729 (2007) About the authorsJ.S. Freitas, E.M. Silva, A. Rossi Corresponding authorA. RossiE-mail: ABSTRACT  The present study was designed to identify nutrient-de- pendent changes in extracellular pH and acid phosphatase secretion in the biAl palC4 mutant strain of Aspergillus nidulans. The […]

Description of electrophoretic and chromatographic hemoglobin profile of Rhinoclemmys punctularia

C.R. Bonini-Domingos, M.B. Silva, R.M. Romero, P.J.A. Zamaro, L.S. Ondei, C.E.S. Zago, S.B. Moreira, C.G. Salgado Published: June 30, 2007 Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2) : 415-421   Cite this Article: C.R. Bonini-Domingos, M.B. Silva, R.M. Romero, P.J.A. Zamaro, L.S. Ondei, C.E.S. Zago, S.B. Moreira, C.G. Salgado (2007). Description of electrophoretic and chromatographic hemoglobin profile of Rhinoclemmys […]

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