Nagib M.A. Nassar, Rosane G. CollevattiPublished November 29, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 710-715 (2005) About the AuthorsNagib M.A. Nassar, Rosane G. Collevatti Corresponding authorN.M.A. NassarEmail: ABSTRACT Apomixis genes have been successfully transferred to cassava (Manihot esculenta) by hybridizing it with the wild species, M. glaziovii. The interspecific hybrid of cassava and M. glaziovii […]
Evidence for a natural hybrid of peacock bass (Cichla monoculus vs Cichla temensis) based on esterase electrophoretic patterns
Evaluation of crosses of Holstein, Jersey or Brown Swiss sires x Holstein-Friesian/Gir dams. 3. Lifetime performance and economic evaluation
A genomic-scale search for regulatory binding sites in the integration host factor regulon of Escherichia coli K12
M. Trindade dos Santos, Paulo Sérgio RodriguesPublished December 27, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 783-789 (2005) About the AuthorsM. Trindade dos Santos, Paulo Sérgio Rodrigues Corresponding authorM.T. SantosEmail: ABSTRACT We examined general aspects of the DNA-protein interaction between the integration host factor (IHF) global regulator and its regulatory binding sites in the Escherichia coli […]
Antigenotoxic and antimutagenic potential of an annatto pigment (norbixin) against oxidative stress
Composition of constitutive heterochromatin of Pseudonannolene strinatii Mauriès, 1974 (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida) analyzed by AT/CG specific fluorochromes
Kleber Agari Campos, Carmem Silvia FontanettiPublished December 21, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 765-770 (2005) About the AuthorsKleber Agari Campos, Carmem Silvia Fontanetti Corresponding authorK.A. CamposEmail: ABSTRACT Triple staining with fluorochromes (DA/DAPI/CMA) and C-banding were used to characterize the composition of Pseudonannolene strinatii heterochromatin. C-banding showed C+ bands of different labeling intensity on chromosomes […]
Evaluation of the time of uncapping and removing dead brood from cells by hygienic and non-hygienic honey bees
Association among oxidized LDL levels, MnSOD, apolipoprotein E polymorphisms,and cardiovascular risk factors in a south Brazilian region population
Maria G.V. Gottlieb, Carla H.A. Schwanke, Adriana F.R. Santos, Paulo F. Jobim, Denise P. Müssel, Ivana B.M. da CruzPublished November 23, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 691-703 (2005) About the AuthorsMaria G.V. Gottlieb, Carla H.A. Schwanke, Adriana F.R. Santos, Paulo F. Jobim, Denise P. Müssel, Ivana B.M. da Cruz Corresponding authorM.G.V. GottliebEmail: ABSTRACT Oxidized […]
First chromosome data on Steindachneridion scripta (Pisces, Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) from Brazilian rivers: Giemsa, CBG, G-, andRE banding
Ana Claudia Swarça, Alberto Sergio Fenocchio, Marta Margarete Cestari, Ana Lúcia DiasPublished December 9, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 734-741 (2005) About the AuthorsAna Claudia Swarça, Alberto Sergio Fenocchio, Marta Margarete Cestari, Ana Lúcia Dias Corresponding authorA.C. SwarçaEmail: ABSTRACT A cytogenetic study was performed on the large pimelodid species Steindachneridion scripta (Siluriformes, Sorubiminae) from […]