Category: Article Type

Increased ROS generation and SOD activity in heteroplasmic tissues of transmitochondrial mice with A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation

J. Li, K. Zhou, X. Meng, Q. Wu, S. Li, Y. Liu, J. WangPublished: October 14, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1054-1062DOI: Cite this Article:J. Li, K. Zhou, X. Meng, Q. Wu, S. Li, Y. Liu, J. Wang (2008). Increased ROS generation and SOD activity in heteroplasmic tissues of transmitochondrial mice with A3243G […]

Regulation of human alpha-globin gene expression and alpha-thalassemia

D.M. Ribeiro, M.F. SonatiPublished: October 14, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1045-1053DOI: Cite this Article:D.M. Ribeiro, M.F. Sonati (2008). Regulation of human alpha-globin gene expression and alpha-thalassemia. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1045-1053. About the AuthorsD.M. Ribeiro, M.F. Sonati Corresponding authorM.F. SonatiE-mail:   ABSTRACT Hemoglobin and globin genes are important models for […]

A molecular study on the evolution of a subtype B variant frequently found in Brazil

M.E. Pinto, C.G. Schrago, A.B. Miranda, C.A.M. RussoPublished: October 14, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1031-1044DOI: Cite this Article:M.E. Pinto, C.G. Schrago, A.B. Miranda, C.A.M. Russo (2008). A molecular study on the evolution of a subtype B variant frequently found in Brazil. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1031-1044. About the AuthorsM.E. Pinto, C.G. […]

Genetic parameters in parents and hybrids of circulant diallel in popcorn

R.M. Rangel, A.T. Amaral Júnior, C.A. Scapim, S.P. Freitas Júnior, M.G. PereiraPublished: October 07, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1020-1030DOI: Cite this Article:R.M. Rangel, A.T.Amaral Júnior, C.A. Scapim, S.P.Freitas Júnior, M.G. Pereira (2008). Genetic parameters in parents and hybrids of circulant diallel in popcorn. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1020-1030. About the AuthorsR.M. […]

Genetic polymorphisms in TLR4, CR1 and Duffy genes are not associated with malaria resistance in patients from Baixo Amazonas region, Brazil

S.C. Soares, K. Abé-Sandes, V.B. Nascimento Filho, F.M.F. Nunes, W.A. Silva Jr.Published: October 07, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1011-1019DOI: Cite this Article:S.C. Soares, K. Abé-Sandes, V.B.Nascimento Filho, F.M.F. Nunes, W.A. Silva (2008). Genetic polymorphisms in TLR4, CR1 and Duffy genes are not associated with malaria resistance in patients from Baixo Amazonas region, […]

Backcross assisted by microsatellite markers in common bean

L.K. Oliveira, L.C. MeloM, C. Brondani, M.J.D. Peloso, R.P.V. BrondaniPublished: October 07, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1000-1010DOI: Cite this Article:L.K. Oliveira, L.C. Melo, C. Brondani, M.J.D. Peloso, R.P.V. Brondani (2008). Backcross assisted by microsatellite markers in common bean. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1000-1010. About the AuthorsL.K. Oliveira, L.C. MeloM, C. Brondani, […]

Study of the antimicrobial peptide indolicidin and a mutant in micelle medium by molecular dynamics simulation

C.A. Fuzo, J.R.M. Castro, L. DegrèvePublished: October 06, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 986-999DOI: Cite this Article:C.A. Fuzo, J.R.M. Castro, L. Degrève (2008). Study of the antimicrobial peptide indolicidin and a mutant in micelle medium by molecular dynamics simulation. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 986-999. About the AuthorsC.A. Fuzo, J.R.M. Castro, L. Degrève […]

Testing the performance of automatedannotation of ESTs with the KeggOrthology (KO) database demonstrateslack of completeness of clusters

G.R. Fernandes, M.A. Mudado, J.M. OrtegaPublished September 30, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (3): 948-957 (2008) About the AuthorsG.R. Fernandes, M.A. Mudado, J.M. OrtegaCorresponding authorJ.M. OrtegaEmail: AbstractThe KEGG Orthology (KO) database was tested as a source for automated annotation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs). We used a control experiment where every EST was assigned to […]

A procedure to recruit members to enlarge protein family databases – the building of UECOG (UniRef-Enriched COG Database) as a model

G.R. Fernandes, D.V.C. Barbosa, F. Prosdocimi, I.A. Pena, L. Santana-Santos, O. Coelho Junior, A. Barbosa-Silva, H.M. Velloso, M.A. Mudado, D.A. Natale, A.C. Faria-Campos, S.C.V. Aguiar, J.M. OrtegaPublished:September 30, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (3) : 910-924DOI: Cite this Article:G.R. Fernandes, D.V.C. Barbosa, F. Prosdocimi, I.A. Pena, L. Santana-Santos, C. Junior, A. Barbosa-Silva, H.M. Velloso, M.A. […]

Genes up- and down-regulated by dermcidin in breast cancer: a microarray analysis

D.F. Moreira, B.E. Strauss, E. Vannier, J.E. BelizárioPublished: September 30, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (3) : 925-932DOI: Cite this Article:D.F. Moreira, B.E. Strauss, E. Vannier, J.E. Belizário (2008). Genes up- and down-regulated by dermcidin in breast cancer: a microarray analysis. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(3): 925-932. About the AuthorsD.F. Moreira, B.E. Strauss, E. Vannier, […]

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