Escherichia coli as a model system to study DNA repair genes of eukaryotic organisms

Luiz Augusto-Pinto, Carlos Gustavo Regis da Silva, Débora de Oliveira Lopes, Alice Machado-Silva, Carlos Renato Machado
Published: March 30, 2003
Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (1) : 77-91

Cite this Article:
L. Augusto-Pinto, C.Gustavo Re da Silva, Dde Oliveir Lopes, A. Machado-Silva, C.Renato Machado (2003). Escherichia coli as a model system to study DNA repair genes of eukaryotic organisms. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(1): 77-91.

About the Authors
Luiz Augusto-Pinto,Carlos Gustavo Regis da Silva, Débora de Oliveira Lopes, Alice Machado-Silva, Carlos Renato Machado

Corresponding author
C.R. Machado



The bacteria Escherichia coli has been widely employed in studies of eukaryotic DNA repair genes. Several eukaryotic genes have been cloned by functional complementation of mutant lineages of E. coli. We examined the similarities and differences among bacterial and eukaryotic DNA repair systems. Based on these data, we examined tools used for gene cloning and functional studies of DNA repair in eukaryotes, using this bacterial system as a model.

Key words: DNA repair, Functional complementation, Escherichia coli

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