Year: 2024

Expression analysis of genes related to lipid metabolism in peripheral blood lymphocytes of volunteers under diet intervention including beef with different fatty acid composition

D.A. Vela-Vásquez A.M. Sifuentes-Rincón I. Delgado-Enciso W. Arellano-Vera P. Ambriz-Morales V. Treviño-AlvaradoPublished: March 06, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23(1): GMR19169DOI: Cite this Article:D.A. Vela-Vásquez, A.M. Sifuentes-Rincón, I. Delgado-Enciso, W. Arellano-Vera, P. Ambriz-Morales, V. Treviño-Alvarado (2024). Expression analysis of genes related to lipid metabolism in peripheral blood lymphocytes of volunteers under diet intervention including beef with different fatty acid […]

Vietnamese Medical Research (March 2021)

In 2019, Vietnam reached the 12th position in scientific production in Asia, producing over 12,000 publications, according to the Scimago Journal & Country Rank, up from about 400 in 2000, showing a remarkable trend towards improvement. Investigators throughout the country have sought to insert Vietnam into the mainstream of world-class research. Herein, we present research […]

Intelligent solutions in E-Health and Medical Communications Services (May 2021)

Increasing and aging populations with more chronic illnesses are straining health services in both developed and developing countries. E-health services may improve access to quality health information and improve self-management and thereby help alleviate the burden on health services. In addition, e-health can improve the quality of health services by increasing shared decision-making and by […]

Cultural Evolution as a means to understand worldwide differences in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and human health overall (January 2022)

Though man has evolved very little physically and genetically since civilization arose about 5,000 years ago and even since the origins of Homo sapiens in Africa, the way in which we live has changed considerably and continues to change. The study of this process, which has its parallels in classical Darwinian evolution is called “Cultural […]

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