Risk factors of ischemic cerebral vascular accident

N.H. Ngoc, N.Q. An
Published: March 29, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18742
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18742

Cite this Article:
N.H. Ngoc, N.Q. An (2021). Risk factors of ischemic cerebral vascular accident. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18742. https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18742

About the Authors
N.H. Ngoc, N.Q. An
Corresponding Author: N.Q. An
Email: longdangtrang@gmail.com


Stroke is one of the leading causes of death both globally and in Southeast Asia, which is confirmed by high values: 5 million and 500 thousand deaths annually, respectively. The situation in Vietnam is also critical. We have systematized and studied the risk factors in patients with ischemic stroke in Phu Tho Province General Hospital. This was a prospective cohort study of 192 patients. Transient ischemic attack was described in 13% of all cases, and the risk of progression to severe disease or death had an odds ratio (OR) = 5.2; 63.5% of all patients with hypertension had a risk of severe complications or death with OR 3.2. Previous cardiovascular events were found during the history of the disease in 28.1% of patients. Hyperlipidemia had a significant prevalence among the patients; the risk of exacerbation was OR = 2.6. Tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse also had a high prevalence among patients (72.6%). The risk of death among smokers and alcohol abusers was 2.4 times higher compared with patients without bad habits. Ischemic cerebrovascular accident is one of the most common health problems in Vietnam and needs more attention.

Key words: Hemorrhagic stroke, Ischemic cerebrovascular accident, Ischemic stroke, Risk factors analysis, Stroke risk factors.

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