Genetic diversity in nutritional parameters in response to drought of Coffea canephora cultivated in Rondonia state, Brazil

L.C.T. Starling, L.D. Martins, W.N. Rodrigues, T.M. Reinicke, T.V. Colodetti, J.F.T. do Amaral, F.L. Partelli, M.A. Tomaz, M.C. Espindula
Published: May 16, 2019
Genet. Mol. Res. 18(2): GMR18300

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L.C.T. Starling, L.D. Martins, W.N. Rodrigues, T.M. Reinicke, T.V. Colodetti, J.F.Tdo Amaral, F.L. Partelli, M.A. Tomaz, M.C. Espindula (2019). Genetic diversity in nutritional parameters in response to drought of Coffea canephora cultivated in Rondonia state, Brazil. Genet. Mol. Res. 18(2): GMR18300.

About the Authors
L.C.T. Starling, L.D. Martins, W.N. Rodrigues, T.M. Reinicke, T.V. Colodetti, J.F.T. do Amaral, F.L. Partelli, M.A. Tomaz, M.C. Espindula

Corresponding Author
L.D. Martins

Coffea canephora shows considerable variability for several agronomic traits, including nutritional efficiency. Beside the intrinsic nutritional efficiency of a genotype, the availability of water in the soil is another factor that can cause different responses, which suggests the possibility of selection of genotypes to enhance the nutritional efficiency under different scenarios, such as plantings in areas with low natural fertility or subjected to drought. We evaluated the genetic diversity of genotypes of C. canephora that compose the cultivar “BRS Ouro Preto”, the first available clonal cultivar recommended for Rondonia State, based on parameters of nutritional status of the plants subjected to cultivation under conditions of abundant water supply or subjected to water deficit. To this end, the experiment was developed with two trials where the 15 genotypes of this cultivar were cultivated in a greenhouse, under conditions of abundant water supply or subjected to water deficit. The trials followed a completely randomized design, with four replications and the mineral status of the plants was evaluated based on the content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S of their green tissues. The genotypes presented high variability for these nutritional parameters, making it possible to identify distinct patterns and to group them according to their nutritional status. Variability was affected by drought, showing that the water supply can cause changes in patterns of nutritional status and affect the clustering of genotypes. The genotypic effect surpassed the environmental influence for most mineral parameters, resulting in a desirable scenario for a possible selection to enhance nutritional efficiency, for both irrigated and rainfed systems, within the group of genotypes that already present high yield in Rondonia state.

Key words: Coffee, Genotypes, Mineral nutrition, Multivariate analysis, Variability.

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