Species-specific AFLP markers for identification of Zingiber officinale, Z. montanum and Z. zerumbet (Zingiberaceae)

S. Ghosh, P.B. Majumder, S. Sen Mandi
Published: February 08, 2011
Genet. Mol. Res. 10(1): 218-229
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol10-1gmr1154

Cite this Article:
S. Ghosh, P.B. Majumder, S. Mandi (2011). Species-specific AFLP markers for identification of Zingiber officinale, Z. montanum and Z. zerumbet (Zingiberaceae). Genet. Mol. Res. 10(1): 218-229. https://doi.org/10.4238/vol10-1gmr1154

About the Authors
S. Ghosh, P.B. Majumder, S. Sen Mandi
Corresponding Author: S. Sen Mandi
Email: swatism@bosemain.boseinst.ac.in


The Zingiber genus, which includes the herbs known as gingers, commonly used in cooking, is well known for its medicinal properties, as described in the Indian pharmacopoeia. Different members of this genus, although somewhat similar in morphology, differ widely in their pharmacological and therapeutic properties. The most important species of this genus, with maximal therapeutic properties, is Zingiber officinale (garden ginger), which is often adulterated with other less-potent Zingiber sp. There is an existing demand in the herbal drug industry for an authentication system for the Zingiber sp in order to facilitate their commercial use as genuine phytoceuticals. To this end, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to produce DNA fingerprints for three Zingiber species. Sixteen collections (six of Z. officinale, five of Z. montanum, and five of Z. zerumbet) were used in the study. Seven selective primer pairs were found to be useful for all the accessions. A total of 837 fragments were produced by these primer pairs. Species-specific markers were identified for all three Zingiber species (91 for Z. officinale, 82 for Z. montanum, and 55 for Z. zerumbet). The dendogram analysis generated from AFLP patterns showed that Z. montanum and Z. zerumbet are phylogenetically closer to each other than to Z. officinale. The AFLP fingerprints of the Zingiber species could be used to authenticate Zingiber sp-derived drugs and to resolve adulteration-related problems faced by the commercial users of these herbs.

Key words: DNA fingerprinting, AFLP, Adulteration, Molecular marker, Zingiber spp.

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