Editor’s homage to Warwick Kerr

W.E. Kerr, S. Wright
Published: July 07, 2009
Genet. Mol. Res. 8 (2) : 775-781

Cite this Article:
W.E. Kerr, S. Wright (2009). Editor’s homage to Warwick Kerr. Genet. Mol. Res. 8(2): 775-781. 

About the Authors
W.E. Kerr,S. Wright


Our journal published a dedicatory session in honor of Professor Warwick Estevam Kerr. Much can be said about Professor Kerr, but in his honor this editor has decided to republish one of his first scientific papers, originally published 55 years ago in the journal Evolution 8: 172-177 (1954). Considered one of the classic papers on population genetics, it was republished in 1971 in “Readings in Population Biology”, edited by Peter S. Dawson and Charles E. King, Prentice Hall, in the section on Population Variation. In honoring Dr. Kerr, we are also honoring his co-author, Sewall Wright, one of the most important names in the history of Population Genetics.

Our journal published a dedicatory session in honor of Professor Warwick Estevam Kerr. Much can be said about Professor Kerr, but in his honor this editor has decided to republish one of his first scientific papers, originally published 55 years ago in the journal Evolution 8: 172-177 (1954). Considered one of the classic papers on population genetics, it was republished in 1971 in “Readings in Population Biology”, edited by Peter S. Dawson and Charles E. King, Prentice Hall, in the section on Population Variation. In honoring Dr. Kerr, we are also honoring his co-author, Sewall Wright, one of the most important names in the history of Population Genetics.


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