Initial stage of development and migratory behavior of Toxocara canis larvae in BALB/c mouse experimental model

M.L. Camparoto, B. Fulan, C.M. Colli, M.L. Paludo, A.L. Falavigna-Guilherme, M.A. Fernandez
Published: May 20, 2008
Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (2) : 444-450

Cite this Article:
M.L. Camparoto, B. Fulan, C.M. Colli, M.L. Paludo, A.L. Falavigna-Guilherme, M.A. Fernandez (2008). Initial stage of development and migratory behavior of Toxocara canis larvae in BALB/c mouse experimental model. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(2): 444-450.

About the Authors
M.L. Camparoto, B. Fulan, C.M. Colli, M.L. Paludo, A.L. Falavigna-Guilherme, M.A. Fernandez

Corresponding author
M.A. Fernandez


In the present study, the initial developmental stage of Toxocara canis eggs and larvae, and number of recovered larvae
from BALB/c mouse-infected organs are described. In vitro culture of T. canis detects the frequencies of interphasic, mitotic and embryonated eggs only within a 7-day period. Analysis by egg counting was carried out for 32 days. The results showed that at 7 days after cultivation, the frequency of larvae was 50.4% and that this frequency reached 52.8% in 32 days. In the experimental infection of BALB/c mice with T. canis, the number of recovered larvae statistically increased in the brain and liver, with doses of approximately 200 and 1000 eggs. After 7 days of infection, a larger number of larvae were obtained in the lung and liver, although a maximum amount was found in the brain after a 15- or 30-day post-infection period.

Key words: Toxocara canis, BALB/c mice, larval recovery, visceral larva migrans, infection.

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