Evaluation of genetic diversity in a naturalrosewood population (Dalbergia nigra Vell.Allemão ex Benth.) using RAPD markers

F.S. Juchum, J.B. Leal, L.M. Santos, M.P. Almeida, D. Ahnert, R.X. Corrêa
Published September 30, 2007
Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 543-553 (2007)

About the author
F.S. Juchum, J.B. Leal, L.M. Santos, M.P. Almeida, D. Ahnert, R.X. Corrêa

Corresponding author: F.S. Juchum
E-mail: fsjuchum@yahoo.com.br


Dalbergia nigra (rosewood) is a long-lived leguminous species, which is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Because of the high economic value of its wood, this species has been over-explored in recent years. Currently, rosewood is included in the IUCN Red List as vulnerable. We examined the genetic diversity of 87 specimens of D. nigra sampled from a continuous forest in the Veracel Reserve and Brazilwood Ecological Station, Porto Seguro, Bahia state, with random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Grouping analyses were done using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages. Using the 16 most informative primers, 112 markers were obtained; 39% (44 bands) were polymorphic. A genetic similarity matrix was made based on the polymorphic bands. The dispersion graph and dendrogram analyses showed three distinct sub-populations. The degree of polymorphism was high, near that of other populations of similar species; however, it was considered low for the conservation of this species.

Key words: Conservation, Leguminosae, Molecular variation, Polymerase chain reaction

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