Splicing factors are differentially expressed in tumors

Natanja Kirschbaum-Slager, Graziela M.P. Lopes, Pedro A.F. Galante, Gregory J. Riggins, Sandro J. de Souza
Published: December 30, 2004
Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (4) : 512-520
Cite this Article:
N. Kirschbaum-Slager, G.M.P. Lopes, P.A.F. Galante, G.J. Riggins, S.J. de Souza (2004). Splicing factors are differentially expressed in tumors. Genet. Mol. Res. 3(4): 512-520.
About the Authors
Natanja Kirschbaum-Slager, Graziela M.P. Lopes, Pedro A.F. Galante, Gregory J. Riggins, Sandro J. de Souza
Corresponding author
S.J. de Souza
E-mail: sandro@compbio.ludwig.org.br 

Although alternative splicing of many genes has been found associated with different stages of tumorigenesis and splicing variants have been characterized as tumor markers, it is still not known whether these examples are sporadic or whether there is a broader association between the two phenomena. In this report we evaluated, through a bioinformatics approach, the expression of splicing factors in both normal and tumor tissues. This was possible by integrating data produced by proteomics, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) and microarray experiments. We observed a significant shift in the expression of splicing factors in tumors in both SAGE and microarray data, resulting from a large amount of experiments. We discuss that this supports the notion of a broader association between alternative splicing and cell transformation, and that splicing factors may be involved in oncogenic pathways.

Key words: SAGE, Alternative splicing, Tumorigenesis, Tumorigenesis.

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