Anti-P53 antibodies in Brazilian brain tumor patients

Renata Fragelli Fonseca, Márcia Tie Kawamura, José Antônio Oliveira, Anselmo Teixeira, Gilda Alves, Maria da Glória da Costa Carvalho
Published: April 15, 2003
Genet. Mol. Res. 2 (2) : 185-190

Cite this Article:
R.Fragelli Fonseca, M.Tie Kawamura, J.Antônio Oliveira, A. Teixeira, G. Alves, Mda Glória Carvalho (2003). Anti-P53 antibodies in Brazilian brain tumor patients. Genet. Mol. Res. 2(2): 185-190.

About the Authors
Renata Fragelli Fonseca, Márcia Tie Kawamura, José Antônio Oliveira, Anselmo Teixeira, Gilda Alves, Maria da Glória da Costa Carvalho

Corresponding author 
M.G.C. Carvalho


Gliomas of astrocytic origin are the most common primary brain tumors, accounting for over 40 to 50% of all central nervous system tumors. The TP53 tumor suppressor gene is the most frequently mutated gene found in human malignancies. A mutation of this gene can lead to an increased half-life of the resulting protein and loss of biological function. High levels of p53 have been detected in the serum of colon cancer patients, although p53 protein has not been detected in the serum of brain tumor patients. Besides circulating p53, several studies have detected antibodies against p53 in patients with lung and breast cancer, as well as those with other types of cancer. We studied p53 protein and anti-p53 antibodies in the plasma of Brazilian brain tumor patients. Plasma samples were drawn from 24 untreated brain tumor patients and from 15 healthy donors without clinical signs of cancer. Western blotting techniques were used to detect p53 protein and anti-p53 antibodies. We found anti-p53 antibodies in 5/24 brain tumor patients. Age appears to affect the immune response, as four of six tumor patients under 16 years old had detectable anti-p53 antibodies, while these were found in only 1 of 18 adults (over 16 years old). We found no p53 protein in any of the serum samples from the brain tumors. Possibly the presence of this protein is affected by tumor type or by the organs that are sampled.

Key words: Glioma, Anti-p53 antibodies, Western blotting.

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