Estimates of heritability in a blanched asparagus population

Vanina Cravero, Enrique Cointry, Ileana Gatti, Fernando López Anido
Published: March 28, 2002
Genet. Mol. Res. 1 (1) : 90-95

Cite this Article:
V. Cravero, E. Cointry, I. Gatti, F.López Anido (2002). Estimates of heritability in a blanched asparagus population. Genet. Mol. Res. 1(1): 90-95.

About the Authors
Vanina Cravero,Enrique Cointry, Ileana Gatti, Fernando López Anido
Corresponding author: V. Cravero


To estimate the heritability values of characters frequently used as selective criteria, 32 half-sib families obtained from selected plants of three populations of the asparagus variety Argenteüil were evaluated in a randomized complete block design. The following characters were measured: days to emergence of the first spear, number and diameter of spears, number of stalks, plant height and average weight. The values of realized heritability were estimated and were compared with those obtained by the parent-offspring regression method. Phenotypic correlation coefficients between the different variables were significant. The values of realized heritability for most of the variables were moderate to high (between 0.18 and 0.68), except for days to emergence; lower values were obtained by the regression method. As there was a high degree of heritability, additive genetic factors contributed significantly to the genetic variance, which would allow the selection of phenotypically superior plants for asparagus improvement projects.

To estimate the heritability values of characters frequently used as selective criteria, 32 half-sib families obtained from selected plants of three populations of the asparagus variety Argenteüil were evaluated in a randomized complete block design. The following characters were measured: days to emergence of the first spear, number and diameter of spears, number of stalks, plant height and average weight. The values of realized heritability were estimated and were compared with those obtained by the parent-offspring regression method. Phenotypic correlation coefficients between the different variables were significant. The values of realized heritability for most of the variables were moderate to high (between 0.18 and 0.68), except for days to emergence; lower values were obtained by the regression method. As there was a high degree of heritability, additive genetic factors contributed significantly to the genetic variance, which would allow the selection of phenotypically superior plants for asparagus improvement projects.

Keywords: Asparagus officinalis L., Heritability, Selective criteria, Parent-offspring regression method

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