Transferability of microsatellite loci from Cervidae species to the endangered Brazilian marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus

K.C.E. Leite, R.G. Collevatti, T.R. Menegasso, W.M. Tomas and J.M.B. Duarte
Published May 22, 2007
Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 325-330 (2007)

About the Authors
K.C.E. Leite, R.G. Collevatti, T.R. Menegasso, W.M. Tomas and J.M.B. Duarte

Corresponding author
R.G. Collevatti


Blastocerusdichotomus, the marsh deer, is the largest Brazilian Cervidae species. The species is endangered because of hunting and loss of its natural habitat, i.e., flood plain areas, because of hydroelectric power station construction and agricultural land expansion. In the present study, we tested 38 microsatellite loci from four Cervidae species: Odocoileusvirginianus (7), Rangifertarandus (17), Capreoluscapreolus (7), and Mazama bororo (7). Eleven loci showed clear amplification, opening a new perspective for the generation of fundamental population genetic data for devising conservation strategies for B. dichotomus.

Key words: Microsatellites, Cervidae, Transferability, Marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus

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