Periclinal chimera can transfer resistance to nematodes in cassava

D.S. Ferreira, J.E. Cares, N.M.A. Nassar
Published: May 31, 2021
Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18899

Cite this Article:
D.S. Ferreira, J.E. Cares, N.M.A. Nassar (2021). Periclinal chimera can transfer resistance to nematodes in cassava. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(2): GMR18899.

About the Authors
D.S. Ferreira, J.E. Cares, N.M.A. Nassar
Corresponding Author: N.M.A. Nassar


Screening cassava germplasm for resistance to the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica) showed that periclinal chimera, which came from combination of the wild species Manihot fortalezensis and indigenous cultivar UnB 201, resulted in resistance to M. javanica. Apparently periclinal chimera acquired resistance from M. fortalezensis, with its tissue forming a subepidermis and the internal tissue.  Apparently, resistance was due to interaction of DNA in the chimera components, since the DNA moves within all plant tissues. This interaction provided the increased vigor observed in periclinal chimera. This is the first report of transferring resistance to a pathogen by periclinal chimera.

Key words:
DNA movement, Manihot fortalezensis, Meloidogyne javanica, Resistance.

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