Gene expression analysis by RNA-sequencing of Longissimus dorsi muscle of pigs fed diets with differing lipid contents
M.C. Montenegro, P. Peraza, N. Balemian, C. Carballo, N. Barlocco, P.G. Barrios, B. Mernies, A. Saadoun, G. Castro, S.F. ,Guimarães, ...
High diversity of cultivated lima beans (Phaseolus lunatus) in Brazil consisting of one Andean and two Mesoamerican groups with strong introgression between the gene pools
R.N.O. Silva, A.C.A. Lopes, R.L.F. Gomes, J.G. Pádua, M.L. BurlePublished: December 31, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18441DOI: Cite this ...
Genetic diversity as an additional selection criterion in a carioca common bean recurrent selection program for resistance to common bacterial blight
L.C. Melo, A.C.F. Silva, H.S. Pereira, P.G.S. Melo, T.L.P.O. SouzaPublished: December 31, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18368DOI: Cite this ...
Equations for estimation of the foliar area of Coffea canephora genotypes
D. Dubberstein, L.D. Martins, A. Ferreira, J.H. Guilhen, J.C. Ramalho, F.L. PartelliPublished: December 31, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18486DOI: ...
Genome-wide classification of dairy cows using decision trees and artificial neural network algorithms
E. Rodríguez, J. Waissman, P. Mahadevan, C. Villa, B.L. Flores, R. VillaPublished: December 31, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18407DOI: ...
Vimentin is not a reliable prognostic biomarker for cervical cancer
F.C. Santana, J.E.P. Ramos, N.A. Nogueria, L.S.D. Líbera, T. , parecida, S.H. Rabelo, V.A. SaddiPublished: December 31, 2019Genet. Mol. Res ...
Bioprospecting and enzymatic potential of filamentous fungi from the Bela Vista Biological Refuge in Itaipu, Brazil
J.M. Corrêa, S.S. de Moraes, C. Henn, M.K. Kadowaki, J.L. da C. Silva, A. Maller, R. de C.G. , SimãoPublished: ...
Differential proteomics in contrasting cowpea genotypes submitted to different water regimes
E.N. Lima, M.L. dos S. Silva, C.E.B. de Abreu, R.O.Mesquita, M.D.P. Lobo, A.C. de O. Monteiro-Moreira, E. Gomes-FilhoC.H.C. de M ...
Bayesian models applied to genomic selection for categorical traits
L.S. Silveira, S. Martins Filho, C.F. Azevedo, E.C. Barbosa, M.D.V. Resende, E.K. TakahashiPublished: November 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18490DOI: ...
Genetic polymorphism at Interleukin-7 receptor gene at +510 position and its impact on pain and other symptoms among HIV and AIDS patients
T.C. Nangammbi, G.T. Moloro, A. SamiePublished: November 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18292DOI: Cite this Article:T.C. Nangammbi, G.T. Moloro, ...
Expression of miR-15b, miR-29b, miR-219 and miR-222 microRNAs in rats with focal cerebral ischemia submitted to physical exercise
M.L.A. Cirino, L.B. Porsani, F.S. Lizarte Neto, M.F.G.S. Tazima, R.F. Zimak, C.G. Carlotti Jr, B.O. Colli, L.F. Tirapelli, D.P.C. TirapelliPublished: ...
Frequency of ANKK1, DRD2, DRD3 gene polymorphisms in refractory schizophrenia patients
F.D.D. Nunes, J.A.F. Pinto, P.H.B. Freitas, L.L. Santos, R.M. MachadoPublished: November 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18389DOI: Cite this ...
Lactobacillus crispatus protects against bacterial vaginosis
M.O. Almeida, F.L.R. do Carmo, A. Gala-García, R. Kato, A.C. Gomide, R.M.N. Drummond, M.M. Drumond, P.M. Agresti, D. Barh, , ...
Phosphate solubilizing activity of native soil microorganisms from the rhizosphere of Jatropha curcas and from phosphate-solubilizing bacteria inoculum
E.B. Santana, J.C.T. DiasPublished: November 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18271DOI: Cite this Article:E.B. Santana, J.C.T. Dias (2019). Phosphate ...
Expression of microRNAs miR-126 and miR-873 and genes CASPASE-8 and C-FLIP in neurospheres of Glioblastoma lines U-343 subjected to treatment with ionizing radiation and temozolomide.
F. Pansani, L.P. Turra, F.S. Lizarte Neto, M.L. de A. Cirino, L.F. Tirapelli, F.M. Peria, C.G. Carlotti Junior, D.P. da ...
Bradyrhizobium spp. as attenuators of water deficit stress in runner peanut genotypes based on physiological and gene expression responses
S.L. Brito, A.B. Santos, D.D. Barbosa, P.D. Fernandes, P.I. Fernandes-Júnior, L.M. LimaPublished: October 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18379DOI: ...
Expression profile of MYB60 and GUSP1 genes during early growth of cotton genotypes submitted to water stress
V.G.L. Batista, P.D. Fernandes, R.C. dos Santos, P.A. Melo Filho, L.M. de LimaPublished: October 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res. 18(4): GMR18319DOI: ...
Inheritance of seed characteristics in soybean progenies from grain type x food type crosses
L.C.A. Araujo, A.C.P. Juhász, C.V.G. Azevedo, I.M. Bárbaro-Torneli, V.F. Vianna, A.O. Di Mauro, S.H. Unêda-TrevisoliPublished: October 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res ...
Genetic diversity and population structure of cassava ethno-varieties grown in six municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil
A.V. Tiago, E.S.S. Hoogerheide, E.C.M. Pedri, F.S. Rossi, E.S. Cardoso, J.M.A. Pinto, G.F. Pena, A.A.B. RossiPublished: October 30, 2019Genet. Mol ...
Infection and colonization of common bean by EGFP transformants of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli
R.O. Batista, T.S. Leite, A. Nicoli, J.E.S. Carneiro, P.C.S. Carneiro, T.J. Paula Junior, M.V. QueirozPublished: October 30, 2019Genet. Mol. Res ...
The effects of different mechanical detasseling methods on hybrid maize seed production
L.B.O. Costa, I.R. Carvalho, L.L. Ferreira, V.J. Szareski, J.R. Pimentel, C. Troyjack, M.H. Barbosa, J.A.G. Da Silva, G.G. Conte, F.A ...
Genetic divergence between onion populations derived from three different crossing methods
D.L.M. Machado, J.A. de Freitas, J.M.Q. Luz, G.M. Maciel, A.P.O. Nogueira, R.R. Finzi, R.C. OliveiraPublished: October 18, 2019Genet. Mol. Res ...
Performance of soybean seed yield components in a non-preferential cropping season
M. Peter, I.R. Carvalho, L.L. Ferreira, V.J. Szareski, G.H. Demari, M.H. Barbosa, F. Lautenchleger, J.A.G. Da Silva, N.B. Moura, D.A ...
Forage bromatology is affected by sowing density and cutting management in dual purpose wheat
F.L. da Silva, I.R. Carvalho, V.J. Szareski, J.R. Pimentel, C. Troyjack, F. Lautenchleger, G.G. Conte, L.L. Ferreira, J.A.G. Da Silva, ...