A fully resolved consensus between fully resolved phylogenetic trees
José Augusto Amgarten Quitzau, João MeidanisPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 269-283 Cite this Article:J.Augusto Am Quitzau, ...
Gene networks as a tool to understand transcriptional regulation
Diogo Fernando Veiga, Fábio Fernandes da Rocha Vicente, Gustavo BastosPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 254-268 Cite ...
A picture of gene sampling/expression in model organisms using ESTs and KOG proteins
Maurício de Alvarenga Mudado, José Miguel OrtegaPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 242-253 Cite this Article:Mde Alvaren ...
An empirical examination of the standard errors of maximum likelihood phylogenetic parameters under the molecular clock via bootstrapping
Carlos G. SchragoPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 233-241 Cite this Article:C.G. Schrago (2006). An empirical examination ...
In silico prediction of yeast deletion phenotypes
Soma Saha, Steffen HeberPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 224-232 Cite this Article:S. Saha, S. Heber (2006) ...
Establishment of a heterologous system for the expression of Canavalia brasiliensis lectin: a model for the study of protein splicing
Walderly Melgaço Bezerra, Cristina Paiva da Silveira Carvalho, Renato de Azevedo Moreira, Thalles Barbosa GrangeiroPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res ...
DBCollHIV: a database system for collaborative HIV analysis in Brazil
Luciano V. Araújo, Marcelo A. Soares, Suelene M. Oliveira, Pedro Chequer, Amilcar Tanuri, Ester C. Sabino, João E. FerreiraPublished: March ...
Predicting enzyme class from protein structure using Bayesian classification
Luiz C. Borro, Stanley R.M. Oliveira, Michel E.B. Yamagishi, Adaulto L. Mancini, José G. Jardine, Ivan Mazoni, Roberto H. Higa, ...
Exploring molecular networks using MONET ontology
João Paulo Müller da Silva, Ney Lemke, José Carlos Mombach, José Guilherme Camargo de Souza, Marialva Sinigaglia, Renata VieiraPublished: March ...
Analysis of slipped sequences in EST projects
Christian Baudet, Zanoni DiasPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 169-181 Cite this Article:C. Baudet, Z. Dias (2006) ...
New strategy to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms
Miguel Galves, José Augusto Amgarten Quitzau, Zanoni DiasPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 143-153 Cite this Article:M ...
BayBoots: a model-free Bayesian tool to identify class markers from gene expression data
Ricardo Z.N. Vêncio, Diogo F.C. Patrão, Cassio S. Baptista, Carlos A.B. Pereira, Bianca ZingalesPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 ...
Building multiple sequence alignments with a flavor of HSSP alignments
Roberto Hiroshi Higa, Sergio Aparecido Braga da Cruz, Paula Regina Kuser, Michel Eduardo Beleza Yamagishi, Renato Fileto, Stanley Robson de ...
GenoMycDB: a database for comparative analysis of mycobacterial genes and genomes
Marcos Catanho, Daniel Mascarenhas, Wim Degrave, Antonio Basílio de MirandaPublished: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 115-126 Cite ...
Gene Class Expression: analysis tool of Gene Ontology terms with gene expression data
Gislaine S.P. Pereira, Rodrigo M. Brandão, Silvana Giuliatti, Marco A. Zago, Wilson A. Silva Jr.Published: March 31, 2006Genet. Mol. Res ...
X-meeting – 1st International Conference of the AB3CCaxambu, MG, Brazil, October 4-7, 2005
Published: March 30, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 93-283 Cite this Article: ABSTRACT Guest EditorSandro José de Souza, Ludwig ...
SpotWhatR: a user-friendly microarray data analysis system
Tie Koide, Silvia M. Salem-Izacc, Suely L. Gomes, Ricardo Z.N. VêncioPublished: March 30, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 93-107 ...
Are genetically modified crops compatible with sustainable agriculture?
N.M.A. NassarPublished: March 17, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 91-92 Cite this Article:N.M.A. Nassar (2006). Are genetically modified crops ...
Hemoglobin and HFE gene polymorphisms in Brazilian populations in regions endemic for malaria (Estudo do polimorfismo de hemoglobinas e do gene HFE em populações brasileiras de áreas endêmicas de malária)
Felipe Rafael TorresPublished: March 17, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 89-90 Cite this Article:F.Rafael Torres (2006). Hemoglobin and HFE ...
Electrophoretic and chromatographic profile for“S-like” hemoglobin (Perfil eletroforético e cromatográfico das hemoglobinas “S-like”)
Luciana de Souza OndeiPublished: March 17, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 88-88 Cite this Article:Lde Souza Ondei (2006). Electrophoretic ...
Ion-exchange chromatography used to isolate a spermadhesin-related protein from domestic goat (Capra hircus) seminal plasma
Dárcio Ítalo Alves Teixeira, Luciana Magalhães Melo, Carlos Alberto de Almeida Gadelha, Rodrigo Maranguape Silva da Cunha, Carlos Bloch Jr., ...
Plant microsatellite genotyping with 4-color fluorescent detection using multiple-tailed primers
Alexandre Missiaggia, Dario GrattapagliaPublished: March 17, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 72-78 Cite this Article:A. Missiaggia, D. Grattapaglia (2006) ...
A novel polymorphic Alu insertion embedded in a LINE 1 retrotransposon in the human X chromosome (DXS225): identification and worldwide population study
Rinaldo Wellerson Pereira, Simone Silva dos Santos, Sérgio Danilo Junho PenaPublished: March 14, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 63-71 ...
Increase in mitochondrial DNA quantity and impairment of oxidative phosphorylation in bovine fibroblast cells treated with ethidium bromide for 15 passages in culture
Marcos Roberto Chiaratti, Flávio Vieira MeirellesPublished: March 14, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 55-62 Cite this Article:M.Roberto Chiaratti, F.Vieira ...
Micronucleus test on gas station attendants
Cibelem Iribarrem Benites, Lílian Lund Amado, Rita Aloma Packeiser Vianna, Maria da Graça Martino-RothPublished: March 09, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 ...
The time has come: a new scene for PKU treatment
Luciana Lara dos Santos, Myrian de Castro Magalhães, José Nélio Januário, Marcos José Burle de Aguiar, Maria Raquel Santos CarvalhoPublished: ...
Mining ORESTES no-match database: can we still contribute to cancer transcriptome?
Rogério da Silva Fonseca, Dirce Maria Carraro, Helena BrentaniPublished: February 24, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 24-32 Cite this ...
Frequencies of phenylalanine hydroxylase mutations I65T, R252W, R261Q, R261X, IVS10nt11, V388M, R408W, Y414C, and IVS12nt1 in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Luciana Lara dos Santos, Myrian de Castro Magalhães, Adriana de Oliveira Reis, Ana Lúcia Pimenta Starling, José Nélio Januário, Cleusa ...
Utilization of different methodologies for the characterization of Hb Hasharon heterozygotes
A.R. Chinelato-Fernandes, C.F. Mendiburu, C.R. Bonini-DomingosPublished: February 09, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 1-6 Cite this Article:A.R. Chinelato-Fernandes, C.F ...
The effect of simulated censored data on estimates of heritability of longevity in the Thoroughbred racing industry
Eleanor M. Burns, Richard M. Enns, Dorian J. GarrickPublished: February 16, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (1) : 7-15 Cite this ...