Category: Vol 20, Issue 4, 2021

Feasibility of using tobacco hybrids of the Dark tobacco type

A. Pscheidt, R.C. Lemos, J.C. Souza, V.B. Oliveira, A.M. Souza, J.M.V. PáduaPublished: October 30, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18929DOI: Cite this Article:A. Pscheidt, R.C. Lemos, J.C. Souza, V.B. Oliveira, A.M. Souza, J.M.V. Pádua (2021). Feasibility of using tobacco hybrids of the Dark tobacco type. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18929. About the AuthorsA. Pscheidt, […]

Performance of agro-ecological based carrot cultivars affected by plant arrangement

N.C.F. Basso, C.A.M. Bianchi, O.A. Lucchese, J. Schiavo, I.R. Carvalho, J.A.G. Da Silva, C.V. Argenta, J.A. da Rosa, C.L. PeterPublished: October 30, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18941DOI: Cite this Article:N.C.F. Basso, C.A.M. Bianchi, O.A. Lucchese, J. Schiavo, I.R. Carvalho, J.A.G. Da Silva, C.V. Argenta, J.A. da Rosa, C.L. Peter (2021). Performance of agro-ecological based […]

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