Category: Vol 1, Issue 2, 2002

Inheritance of acylsugar contents in tomatoes derived from an interspecific cross with the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii and their effect on spider mite repellence

Juliano T.V. Resende, Wilson Roberto Maluf, David L. Nelson, Marcos Ventura Faria, Maria das Graças CardosoPublished: May 15, 2002Genet. Mol. Res. 1 (2) : 106-116 Cite this Article:J.T.V. Resende, W.Roberto Maluf, D.L. Nelson, M.Ventura Faria, Mdas Graça Cardoso (2002). Inheritance of acylsugar contents in tomatoes derived from an interspecific cross with the wild tomato Lycopersicon […]

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