Category: Issue

Simulation of wheat yield by nitrogen and ear components in harvest prediction analysis

O. Alessi, J.A.G. Da Silva, V. Pansera, J.A. da Rosa, I.R. Carvalho, F. Lautenchleger, M.S. Jung, C. de F. Colet, C.A.M.B. Teixeira, N.C.F. Basso, J.V. Tisott, C.M. BabeskiPublished: November 30, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18943DOI: Cite this Article:O. Alessi, J.A.G. Da Silva, V. Pansera, J.A. da Rosa, I.R. Carvalho, F. Lautenchleger, M.S. Jung, C. […]

Feasibility of using tobacco hybrids of the Dark tobacco type

A. Pscheidt, R.C. Lemos, J.C. Souza, V.B. Oliveira, A.M. Souza, J.M.V. PáduaPublished: October 30, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18929DOI: Cite this Article:A. Pscheidt, R.C. Lemos, J.C. Souza, V.B. Oliveira, A.M. Souza, J.M.V. Pádua (2021). Feasibility of using tobacco hybrids of the Dark tobacco type. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18929. About the AuthorsA. Pscheidt, […]

Performance of agro-ecological based carrot cultivars affected by plant arrangement

N.C.F. Basso, C.A.M. Bianchi, O.A. Lucchese, J. Schiavo, I.R. Carvalho, J.A.G. Da Silva, C.V. Argenta, J.A. da Rosa, C.L. PeterPublished: October 30, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(4): GMR18941DOI: Cite this Article:N.C.F. Basso, C.A.M. Bianchi, O.A. Lucchese, J. Schiavo, I.R. Carvalho, J.A.G. Da Silva, C.V. Argenta, J.A. da Rosa, C.L. Peter (2021). Performance of agro-ecological based […]

Recurrent selection to obtain drought-tolerant common bean progenies

T. Ribeiro, D.A. Silva, S.R.S. Rovaris, J.G.R. Gonçalves, S.A.M. Carbonell, A.F. ChioratoPublished: September 30, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18902DOI: Cite this Article:T. Ribeiro, D.A. Silva, S.R.S. Rovaris, J.G.R. Gonçalves, S.A.M. Carbonell, A.F. Chiorato (2021). Recurrent selection to obtain drought-tolerant common bean progenies. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18902. About the AuthorsT. Ribeiro, D.A. Silva, […]

Exogenous pyruvate mitigates the detrimental effects of water stress in contrasting peanut genotypes

D.D. Barbosa, P.D. Fernandes, A.D.A.L. Marcelino, F.A. Silva, M.S. Dias, C.R.C. Silva, R.C. SantosPublished: August 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18907DOI: Cite this Article:D.D. Barbosa, P.D. Fernandes, A.D.A.L. Marcelino, F.A. Silva, M.S. Dias, C.R.C. Silva, R.C. Santos (2021). Exogenous pyruvate mitigates the detrimental effects of water stress in contrasting peanut genotypes. Genet. Mol. Res. […]

Resistance to beta-lactams in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cell phone screens of dentistry students based on an antibiogram and detection of blaZ and mecA genes

S.P. Laica, C.F. Andrade, P.P. Orellana, R.R. RamosPublished: August 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18931DOI: Cite this Article:S.P. Laica, C.F. Andrade, P.P. Orellana, R.R. Ramos (2021). Resistance to beta-lactams in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cell phone screens of dentistry students based on an antibiogram and detection of blaZ and mecA genes. Genet. Mol. Res. […]

Virulence genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cell phone screens of dentistry students in Cuenca-Ecuador

M.A. Pacheco, P.P. Orellana, C.F. Andrade, J.E. TorracchiPublished: August 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18928DOI: Cite this Article:M.A. Pacheco, P.P. Orellana, C.F. Andrade, J.E. Torracchi (2021). Virulence genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cell phone screens of dentistry students in Cuenca-Ecuador. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18928. About the AuthorsM.A. Pacheco, P.P. Orellana, C.F. […]

Molecular diagnosis and clinicopathological characteristics of canine distemper neurologic disease

I.S. Jesus, A.V. Cruz, C.M.P. Santos, E.C.M. Barra, J.C. Costa, T.R.M. Monteiro, C.C. Santos, K.F. Valente, B.W.L. Silva, E.D.L. Rodrigues, J.C.F. Almeida, E.S. Filho, M.J.F.M. Figueiredo, S.K.S.A. Sousa, S.P. Silva, L.M.N. Casseb, A.M.G. Negrão, A.R. CassebPublished: August 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18884DOI: Cite this Article:I.S. Jesus, A.V. Cruz, C.M.P. Santos, E.C.M. Barra, J.C. […]

Genetic diversity among pepper and chili genotypes by Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps

R.D.S. Rosado, P.R. Cecon, A.C.R. de Oliveira, F.L. Finger, M.M. Suela, C.D. Cruz, M. NascimentoPublished: August 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18888DOI: Cite this Article:R.D.S. Rosado, P.R. Cecon, A.C.R. de Oliveira, F.L. Finger, M.M. Suela, C.D. Cruz, M. Nascimento (2021). Genetic diversity among pepper and chili genotypes by Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Maps. Genet. Mol. Res. […]

Selection of genomic regions and genes associated with adaptation and fertility traits in two Colombian creole cattle breeds

C. De León, R. Martínez, J.F. Rocha, A.E. DarghanPublished: July 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18882DOI: Cite this Article:C. De León, R. Martínez, J.F. Rocha, A.E. Darghan (2021). Selection of genomic regions and genes associated with adaptation and fertility traits in two Colombian creole cattle breeds. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(3): GMR18882. About the […]

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