Matthias Herrmann, Tina Trenzcek, Hartmut Fahrenhorst, Wolf EngelsPublished October 31, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 624-641 (2005) About the AuthorsMatthias Herrmann, Tina Trenzcek, Hartmut Fahrenhorst, Wolf Engels Corresponding authorW. EngelsEmail: ABSTRACT Diploid males have long been considered a curiosity contradictory to the haplo-diploid mode of sex determination in the Hymenoptera. In Apis mellifera, ‘false’ […]
Evidence for minority male mating success and minority female mating disadvantage in Drosophila ananassae
Heritability and expected selection response for yield traits in blanched asparagus
Hydrolases in the hypopharyngeal glands of workers of Scaptotrigona postica and Api smellifera (Hymenoptera, Apinae)
Rosiléia A.C. Costa, Carminda da Cruz-LandimPublished October 25, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 616-623 (2005) About the AuthorsRosiléia A.C. Costa, Carminda da Cruz-Landim Corresponding authorC. Cruz-LandimEmail: ABSTRACT Hydrolytic enzymes from hypopharyngeal gland extracts of newly emerged, nurse and foraging workers of two eusocial bees, Scaptotrigona postica, a native Brazilian stingless bee, and the Africanized […]
Hereditary hemochromatosis in a Brazilian university hospital in São Paulo State (1990-2000)
Karyotypic characterization of Iheringichthys labrosus (Pisces, Pimelodidae): C-, G- and restriction endonuclease banding
Rafael Augusto de Carvalho, Ana Lúcia DiasPublished November 10, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 663-667 (2005) About the AuthorsRafael Augusto de Carvalho, Ana Lúcia Dias Corresponding authorA.L. DiasEmail: ABSTRACT Various chromosomal banding techniques were utilized on the catfish, Iheringichthys labrosus, taken from the Capivara Reservoir. C-banding regions were evidenced in telomeric regions of most […]
Lack of effect of maternal body mass index on anthropometric characteristics of newborns in twin gestations
The use of RAPD to characterize Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates.
Maria Viviane Gomes Müller, José Carlos Germani, Sueli Teresinha Van Der SandPublished November 1, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 642-652 (2005) About the AuthorsMaria Viviane Gomes Müller, José Carlos Germani, Sueli Teresinha Van Der Sand Corresponding authorS.T. Van Der SandEmail: ABSTRACT Bipolaris sorokiniana is a phytopathogenic fungus causing diseases of cereal crops such as […]
Localization of rDNA sites in holocentric chromosomes of three species of triatomines (Heteroptera, Triatominae)
Grasiela Dias de Campos Severi-Aguiar, Maria Tercília Vilela de Azeredo-OliveiraPublished November 29, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 704-709 (2005) About the AuthorsGrasiela Dias de Campos Severi-Aguiar, Maria Tercília Vilela de Azeredo-Oliveira Corresponding authorG.D.C. Severi-AguiarEmail: ABSTRACT Chromatin organization in the holocentric chromosomes of three triatomines species was cytologically studied by fluorescent in situ hybridization with […]