J.H. Fernandez, M.O. Mello*, L.Galgaro, A.S. Tanaka,M.C. Silva-Filho, G. NeshichPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 846-858 (2007) About the authorsJ.H. Fernandez, M.O. Mello*, L.Galgaro, A.S. Tanaka,M.C. Silva-Filho, G. Neshich Corresponding authorG. NeshichE-mail: neshich@cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br ABSTRACT Bowman-Birk inhibitors (BBIs) are cysteine-rich and highly cross-linked small proteins that function as specific pseudosubstrates for digestive proteinases. They […]
Intraflagellar transport complex in Leishmaniaspp. In silico genome-wide screeningand annotation of gene function
J.J.S. Gouveia, E.J.R. Vasconcelos, A.C.L. Pacheco, R. Araújo-Filho, A.R.S.Maia, M.T. Kamimura, M.P. Costa, D.A. Viana, R.B. Costa, R.Maggioni, D.M.OliveiraPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 766-798 (2007) About the authorsJ.J.S. Gouveia, E.J.R. Vasconcelos, A.C.L. Pacheco, R. Araújo-Filho, A.R.S.Maia, M.T. Kamimura, M.P. Costa, D.A. Viana, R.B. Costa, R.Maggioni, D.M.Oliveira Corresponding authorD.M. OliveiraE-mail: diana.magalhaes@uece.br ABSTRACT Flagella […]
miRNApath: a database of miRNAs,target genes and metabolic pathways
A.O. Chiromatzo, T.Y.K. Oliveira, G. Pereira, A.Y. Costa,C.A.E. Montesco, D.E. Gras, F. Yosetake, J.B. Vilar, M. Cervato,P.R.R. Prado, R.G.C.C.L. Cardenas, R. Cerri, R.L. Borges,R.N. Lemos, S.M. Alvarenga, V.R.C. Perallis, D.G. Pinheiro,I.T. Silva, R.M. Brandão, M.A.V. Cunha, S. Giuliatti, W.A. Silva JrPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 859-865 (2007) About the authorsA.O. Chiromatzo, T.Y.K. […]
Abundance and diversity of resistance genesin the sugarcane transcriptome revealedby in silico analysis
A.C. Wanderley-Nogueira, N.M. Soares-Cavalcanti, D.A.L. Morais,L.C. Belarmino, A. Barbosa-Silva, A.M. Benko-IsepponPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 866-889 (2007) About the authorsA.C. Wanderley-Nogueira, N.M. Soares-Cavalcanti, D.A.L. Morais,L.C. Belarmino, A. Barbosa-Silva, A.M. Benko-Iseppon Corresponding authorA.M. Benko-IsepponE-mail: ana.benko.iseppon@pesquisador.cnpq.br ABSTRACT Resistance genes (R-genes) are responsible for the first interaction of the plant with pathogens being responsible for […]
Application of MUTIC to the explorationof gene expression data in prostate cancer
B. Goertzel, C. Pennachin, L.S. Coelho, M.A. MudadoPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 890-900 (2007) About the authorsB. Goertzel, C. Pennachin, L.S. Coelho, M.A. Mudado Corresponding authorL.S. CoelhoE-mail: lucio@biomind.com ABSTRACT We show here an example of the application of a novel method, MUTIC (model utilization-based clustering), used for identifying complex interactions between genes […]
Ab initio 3-D structure predictionof an artificially designed three-α-helix bundlevia all-atom molecular dynamics simulations
A. Breda, D.S. Santos, L.A. Basso2,3, O. Norberto de SouzaPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 901-910 (2007) About the authorsA. Breda, D.S. Santos, L.A. Basso2,3, O. Norberto de Souza Corresponding authorO. Norberto de SouzaE-mail: osmar.norberto@pucrs.br ABSTRACT The rate at which knowledge about genomic sequences and their protein products is produced is increasing much […]
Sting_rdb: a relational database of structuralparameters for protein analysis with supportfor data warehousing and data mining
S.R.M. Oliveira, G.V. Almeida, K.R.R. Souza, D.N. Rodrigues, P.R. Kuser-Falcão, M.E.B. Yamagishi, E.H. Santos, F.D. Vieira, J.G. Jardine, G. NeshichPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 911-922 (2007) About the authorsS.R.M. Oliveira, G.V. Almeida, K.R.R. Souza, D.N. Rodrigues, P.R. Kuser-Falcão, M.E.B. Yamagishi, E.H. Santos, F.D. Vieira, J.G. Jardine, G. Neshich Corresponding authorG. NeshichE-mail: neshich@cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br […]
Electrostatic potential calculationfor biomolecules – creating a databaseof pre-calculated values reported on a perresidue basis for all PDB protein structures
W. Rocchia, G. NeshichPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 923-936 (2007) About the authorsW. Rocchia, G. Neshich Corresponding authorG. NeshichE-mail: neshich@cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br ABSTRACT STING and JavaProtein Dossier provide a collection of physical-chemical parameters, describing protein structure, stability, function, and interaction, considered one of the most comprehensive among the available protein databases of similar type. […]
Finding protein-protein interaction patterns by contact map matching
R.C. Melo, C. Ribeiro, C.S. Murray, C.J.M. Veloso, C.H. da Silveira, G. Neshich, W. Meira Jr., R.L. Carceroni, M.M. SantoroPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 946-963 (2007) About the authorsR.C. Melo, C. Ribeiro, C.S. Murray, C.J.M. Veloso, C.H. da Silveira, G. Neshich, W. Meira Jr., R.L. Carceroni, M.M. Santoro Corresponding authorR.C. MeloE-mail: raquelcm@gmail.com/neshich@cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br […]
BNDb – Biomolecules Nucleus Database:an integrated proteomics and transcriptomicsdatabase
A.C. Faria-Campos, R.R. Gomes, F.S. Moratelli, H. Rausch-Fernandes, G.R. Franco, S.V.A. CamposPublished October 05, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 937-945 (2007) About the authorsA.C. Faria-Campos, R.R. Gomes, F.S. Moratelli, H. Rausch-Fernandes, G.R. Franco, S.V.A. Campos Corresponding authorA.C. Faria-CamposE-mail: alessa@icb.ufmg.br ABSTRACT Proteomics correspond to the identification and quantitative analysis of proteins expressed in different conditions or […]