Category: Research Article

Frequency of the HFE C282Y and H63D polymorphisms in Brazilian malaria patients and blood donors from the Amazon region

F.R. Torres, W.C. Souza-Neiras, A.A. D’Almeida Couto, V.S.C. D’Almeida Couto, C.E. Cavasini, A.R.B. Rossit, R.L.D. Machado, C.R. Bonini-DomingosPublished: January 25, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (1) : 60-64DOI: Cite this Article:F.R. Torres, W.C. Souza-Neiras, A.A.D.’Almeid Couto, V.S.C.D.’Almeid Couto, C.E. Cavasini, A.R.B. Rossit, R.L.D. Machado, C.R. Bonini-Domingos (2008). Frequency of the HFE C282Y and H63D polymorphisms […]

Genetic distance estimates among single cross hybrids and correlation with specific combining ability and yield in corn double cross hybrids

M. Balestre, J.C. Machado, J.L. Lima, J.C. Souza, L. Nóbrega FilhoPublished: January 25, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (1) : 65-73DOI: Cite this Article:M. Balestre, J.C. Machado, J.L. Lima, J.C. Souza, N. Filho (2008). Genetic distance estimates among single cross hybrids and correlation with specific combining ability and yield in corn double cross hybrids. Genet. […]

Rapid and inexpensive analysis of genetic variability in Arapaima gigas by PCR multiplex panel of eight microsatellites

I.G. Hamoy, E.J.M. Santos, S.E.B. SantosPublished: January 22, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (1) : 29-32DOI: Cite this Article:I.G. Hamoy, E.J.M. Santos, S.E.B. Santos (2008). Rapid and inexpensive analysis of genetic variability in Arapaima gigas by PCR multiplex panel of eight microsatellites. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(1): 29-32. About the AuthorsI.G. Hamoy, E.J.M. Santos, S.E.B. […]

Genetic polymorphisms involved in folate metabolism and elevated plasma concentrations of homocysteine: maternal risk factors for Down syndrome in Brazil

J.M. Biselli, E.M. Goloni-Bertollo, B.L. Zampieri, R. Haddad, M.N. Eberlin, E.C. Pavarino-BertelliPublished: January 22, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (1) : 33-42DOI: Cite this Article:J.M. Biselli, E.M. Goloni-Bertollo, B.L. Zampieri, R. Haddad, M.N. Eberlin, E.C. Pavarino-Bertelli (2008). Genetic polymorphisms involved in folate metabolism and elevated plasma concentrations of homocysteine: maternal risk factors for Down syndrome […]

Size of the exon 1-CAG repeats of the androgen receptor gene employed as a molecular marker in the diagnosis of Turner syndrome in girls with short stature

C.C. Figueiredo, C. Kochi, C.A. Longui, M.N. Rocha, F. Richeti, N.M.A. Evangelista, L.E.P. Calliari, O. MontePublished: January 22, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (1) : 43-49DOI:  Cite this Article:C.C. Figueiredo, C. Kochi, C.A. Longui, M.N. Rocha, F. Richeti, N.M.A. Evangelista, L.E.P. Calliari, O. Monte (2008). Size of the exon 1-CAG repeats of the androgen receptor […]

Low productivity of ribonucleotide reductase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae increases sensitivity to stannous chloride

T.S. Basso, C. Pungartnik, M. Brendel Published: January 08, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (1) : 1-6DOI: Cite this Article:T.S. Basso, C. Pungartnik, M. Brendel (2008). Low productivity of ribonucleotide reductase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae increases sensitivity to stannous chloride. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(1): 1-6. About the AuthorsT.S. Basso, C. Pungartnik, M. Brendel Corresponding authorM. BrendelE-mail: […]

Polymorphisms and DNA methylation of gene TP53 associated with extra-axial brain tumors

L.O. Almeida, A.C. Custódio, G.R. Pinto, M.J. Santos, J.R.W. Almeida, C.A. Clara, J.A. , ey, C. CasartelliPublished: January 05, 2009Genet. Mol. Res. 8 (1) : 8-18DOI: Cite this Article:L.O. Almeida, A.C. Custódio, G.R. Pinto, M.J. Santos, J.R.W. Almeida, C.A. Clara, J.A. Rey, C. Casartelli (2009). Polymorphisms and DNA methylation of gene TP53 associated with […]

Isolation and characterization of microsatelliteDNA in the piracema fish Prochilodus lineatus(Characiformes)

G.M. Yazbeck, E. KalapothakisPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1026-1034 (2007) About the authorsG.M. Yazbeck, E. Kalapothakis Corresponding authorE. KalapothakisE-mail: ABSTRACT We described five novel microsatellite loci for the piracema fish species Prochilodus lineatus (Characiformes), endemic to South America and of extreme importance to both commercial and artisanal fisheries across its occurrence […]

An optimized mini-preparation method toobtain high-quality genomic DNA frommature leaves of sunflower

J.T. Li1, J. Yang, D.C. Chen, X.L. Zhang, Z.S. TangPublished December 4, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1064-1071 (2007) About the authorsJ.T. Li1, J. Yang, D.C. Chen, X.L. Zhang, Z.S. Tang Corresponding authorJ. YangE-mail: ABSTRACT In order to investigate the mutation characteristics and to further examine the genetic variation of mutant sunflower (Helianthus annuus) […]

LEPR p.Q223R, β3-AR p.W64R and LEP c.-2548G>A gene variants in obese Braziliansubjects

S.F.P. Duarte, E.A. Francischetti, V.A. Genelhu, P.H. Cabello, M.M.G. PimentelPublished November 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (4): 1035-1043 (2007) About the authorsS.F.P. Duarte, E.A. Francischetti, V.A. Genelhu, P.H. Cabello, M.M.G. Pimentel Corresponding authorE.A. FrancischettiE-mail: ABSTRACT Obesity is due to the combined effects of genes, environment, lifestyle, and the interactions of these factors. The adrenergic […]

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