Leila de Genova Gaya, Gerson Barreto Mourão, Fernanda Marcondes de Rezende, ElisângelaChicaroni de Mattos, Tércio Michelan Filho, Luís Gustavo Girardi Figueiredo, José Bento Sterman Ferraz, Joanir Pereira Eler.Published December 15, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 760-764 (2005) About the AuthorsLeila de Genova Gaya, Gerson Barreto Mourão, Fernanda Marcondes de Rezende, ElisângelaChicaroni de Mattos, Tércio Michelan […]
Development of bovine embryos reconstructed by nuclear transfer of transfected and non-transfected adult fibroblast cells
Lilian T. Iguma, Sharon F.C. Lisauskas, Eduardo O. Melo, Maurício M. Franco, Ivo Pivato, Giovanni R. Vianna, Regivaldo V. Sousa, Margot A.N. Dode, Francisco J.L. Aragão, Elíbio L. Rech, Rodolfo RumpfPublished March 3, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (1): 55-66 (2005) About the AuthorsLilian T. Iguma, Sharon F.C. Lisauskas, Eduardo O. Melo, Maurício M. Franco, Ivo […]
Applicability of RAPD markers on silverstained polyacrylamide gels to ascertain genetic diversity in Peripatus acacioi (Peripatidae; Onychophora)
Daiane Mariele DeLaat, Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho, Maria Bernadete Lovato, Maria Dolores Porto Acedo, Cleusa Graça da FonsecaPublished December 6, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 716-725 (2005) About the AuthorsDaiane Mariele DeLaat, Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho, Maria Bernadete Lovato, Maria Dolores Porto Acedo, Cleusa Graça da Fonseca Corresponding authorC.G. FonsecaEmail: clgrac@icb.ufmg.br ABSTRACT RAPD (random amplification […]
Multiple Mantel tests and isolation-by distance, taking into account long-term historical divergence.
Mariana Pires de Campos Telles, José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-FilhoPublished December 9, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 742-748 (2005) About the AuthorsMariana Pires de Campos Telles, José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho Corresponding authorJ.A.F. Diniz-FilhoEmail: diniz@icb1.ufg.br ABSTRACT Mantel tests of matrix correspondence have been widely used in population genetics to examine microevolutionary processes, such as isolation-by-distance (IBD). We […]
DNA repair gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to familial breast cancer in a group of patients from Campinas, Brazil
Rozany Mucha Dufloth, Sandra Costa, Fernando Schmitt, Luiz Carlos ZeferinoPublished December 21, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 771-782 (2005) About the AuthorsRozany Mucha Dufloth, Sandra Costa, Fernando Schmitt, Luiz Carlos Zeferino Corresponding authorL.C. ZeferinoEmail: zeferino@caism.unicamp.br ABSTRACT Several studies have reported that the genes involved in DNA repair and in the maintenance of genome integrity play […]
Analysis of differential selective forces acting on the coat protein (P3) of the plant virus family Luteoviridae
Marina W. Torres, Régis L. Corrêa, Carlos G. SchragoPublished December 27, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 790-802 (2005) About the AuthorsMarina W. Torres, Régis L. Corrêa, Carlos G. Schrago Corresponding authorC.G. SchragoEmail: guerra@biologia.ufrj.br ABSTRACT The coat protein (CP) of the family Luteoviridae is directly associated with the success of infection. It participates in various steps […]
Differential molecular response of the transcripts B2A2 and B3A2 to imatinib mesylate in chronic myeloid leukemia
José Alexandre Rodrigues de Lemos, Ciane Martins de Oliveiraz, Ana Carolina Costa Scerni, Alessandra Q. Bentes, Ana Cristina Beltrão, Iê Regina G. Bentes, Tereza Cristina Azevedo, Luciana Maria Cunha Maradei-PereiraPublished December 27, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 803-811 (2005) About the AuthorsJosé Alexandre Rodrigues de Lemos, Ciane Martins de Oliveiraz, Ana Carolina Costa Scerni, Alessandra […]
Isolation of transfected fibroblast clones for use in nuclear transfer and transgene detection in cattle embryos
Eduardo O. Melo, Regivaldo V. Sousa, Lílian T. Iguma, Maurício M. Franco, Elibio L. Rech, Rodolfo RumpfPublished December 27, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 812-821 (2005) About the AuthorsEduardo O. Melo, Regivaldo V. Sousa, Lílian T. Iguma, Maurício M. Franco, Elibio L. Rech, Rodolfo Rumpf Corresponding authorE.O. MeloEmail: eom@cenargen.embrapa.br ABSTRACT Transgenesis in cattle has provided […]
Genotoxic effects of rotenone on cultured lymphocytes
Patrícia Danielle Lima de Lima , Elizabeth Sumi Yamada, Edmar Tavares da Costa , Claudia do O. Pessoa, Silvia Helena Barem Rabenhorst , Marcelo de Oliveira Bahia, Plínio Cerqueira Cardoso, Raquel Alves Santos, Marilia de Arruda Cardoso Smith, Rommel Rodríguez BurbanoPublished December 30, 2005 Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 822-831 (2005) About the Authors Patrícia Danielle Lima […]
Allele frequencies and genetic diversity in two groups of wild tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus) living in an urban forest fragment.
Jeanne Margareth Jimenes Amaral, Aguinaldo Luiz Simões, David De JongPublished December 30, 2005Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (4): 832-838 (2005) About the AuthorsJeanne Margareth Jimenes Amaral, Aguinaldo Luiz Simões, David De Jong Corresponding authorJ.M.J. AmaralEmail: jjamaral@rge.fmrp.usp.br ABSTRACT There have been numerous studies genetically characterizing Old World Primates using microsatellites. However, few studies have been made of […]