Category: Article Type

Genetic variability in maned wolf based on heterologous short-tandem repeat markers from domestic dog

D.C. Salim, A.A. Akimoto, C.B. Carvalho, S.F. Oliveira, C.K. Grisolia, J.R. Moreira and M.N. Klautau-GuimarãesPublished June 20, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 348-357 (2007) About the AuthorsD.C. Salim, A.A. Akimoto, C.B. Carvalho, S.F. Oliveira, C.K. Grisolia, J.R. Moreira and M.N. Klautau-Guimarães Corresponding authorM.N. Klautau-GuimarãesE-mail: ABSTRACT The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest South […]

Colony membership is reflected by variations in cuticular hydrocarbon profile in a Neotropical paper wasp, Polistes satan (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)

I.C. Tannure-Nascimento, F.S. Nascimento, I.C. Turatti, N.P. Lopes, J.R. Trigo and R. ZucchiPublished June 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 390-396 (2007) About the AuthorsI.C. Tannure-Nascimento, F.S. Nascimento, I.C. Turatti, N.P. Lopes, J.R. Trigo and R. Zucchi Corresponding authorF.S. NascimentoE-mail: ABSTRACT Nestmate recognition is one the most important features in social insect colonies. Although […]

Minimization of transcriptional temporal noise and scale invariance in the yeast genome

R.C. Ferreira, F. Bosco, P.B. Paiva and M.R.S. BrionesPublished June 29, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 397-414 (2007) About the AuthorsR.C. Ferreira, F. Bosco, P.B. Paiva and M.R.S. Briones Corresponding authorM.R.S. BrionesE-mail: ABSTRACT The analysis of transcriptional temporal noise could be an interesting means to study gene expression dynamics and stochasticity in eukaryotes. To […]

Description of electrophoretic and chromatographic hemoglobin profile of Rhinoclemmys punctularia

C.R. Bonini-Domingos, M.B. Silva, R.M. Romero, P.J.A. Zamaro, L.S. Ondei, C.E.S. Zago, S.B. Moreira, C.G. Salgado Published: June 30, 2007 Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2) : 415-421   Cite this Article: C.R. Bonini-Domingos, M.B. Silva, R.M. Romero, P.J.A. Zamaro, L.S. Ondei, C.E.S. Zago, S.B. Moreira, C.G. Salgado (2007). Description of electrophoretic and chromatographic hemoglobin profile of Rhinoclemmys […]

Recognition of α-helix transmembrane domains with an amphipathy scale generated by molecular dynamics using only the primary sequence of proteins

F.M. Mazzé, C.A. Fuzo, P. Ciancaglini, L. Degrève Published: June 30, 2007 Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2) : 422-433   Cite this Article: F.M. Mazzé, C.A. Fuzo, P. Ciancaglini, L. Degrève (2007). Recognition of α-helix transmembrane domains with an amphipathy scale generated by molecular dynamics using only the primary sequence of proteins. Genet. Mol. Res. 6(2): 422-433.   About […]

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