S.R.C. Marchesin, M.R. Beguelini, K.C. Fariam, P.R.L. Moreira, E. Morielle-VersutePublished: October 28, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1164-1178DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr503 Cite this Article:S.R.C. Marchesin, M.R. Beguelini, K.C. Faria, P.R.L. Moreira, E. Morielle-Versute (2008). Assessing genetic variability in bat species of Emballonuridae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae and Molossidae families (Chiroptera) by RFLP-PCR. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1164-1178. https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr503 […]
Non-additive genetic effects on weights and performance of a Brazilian Bos taurus x Bos indicus beef composite
G.B. Mourão, J.B.S. Ferraz, J.P. Eler, R.S. Bueno, J.C.C. Balieiro, E.C. Mattos, L.G.G. FigueiredoPublished: October 28, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1156-1163DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr501 Cite this Article:G.B. Mourão, J.B.S. Ferraz, J.P. Eler, R.S. Bueno, J.C.C. Balieiro, E.C. Mattos, L.G.G. Figueiredo (2008). Non-additive genetic effects on weights and performance of a Brazilian Bos taurus x Bos […]
Analysis and comparison of clinicohematological parameters and molecular and cytogenetic response of two Bcr/Abl fusion transcripts
S. Polampalli, A. Choughule, N. Negi, S. Shinde, C. Baisane, P. Amre, P.G. Subramanian, S. Gujral, K. Prabhash, P. ParikhPublished: October 21, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1138-1149DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr485 Cite this Article:S. Polampalli, A. Choughule, N. Negi, S. Shinde, C. Baisane, P. Amre, P.G. Subramanian, S. Gujral, K. Prabhash, P. Parikh (2008). Analysis and […]
Brazilian Nelore cattle: a melting pot unfolded by molecular genetics
M.A.C. Dani, M.B. Heinneman, S.U. DaniPublished: October 21, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1127-1137DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr499 Cite this Article:M.A.C. Dani, M.B. Heinneman, S.U. Dani (2008). Brazilian Nelore cattle: a melting pot unfolded by molecular genetics. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1127-1137. https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr499 About the AuthorsM.A.C. Dani, M.B. Heinneman, S.U. Dani Corresponding authorM.A.C. DaniE-mail: macdani@hotmail.com ABSTRACT The […]
Can established cultured papilloma cells harbor bovine papillomavirus?
S.R.C. Campos, C. Trindade, O.P. Ferraz, D.N.S. Giovanni, A.A. Lima, H.V.A. Caetano, R.F. Carvalho, E.H. Birgel Jr., M.L.Z. Dagli, E. Mori, P.E. Brandão, L.J. Richtzenhain, W. Beçak, R.C. StoccoPublished: October 21, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1119-1126DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr498 Cite this Article:S.R.C. Campos, C. Trindade, O.P. Ferraz, D.N.S. Giovanni, A.A. Lima, H.V.A. Caetano, R.F. Carvalho, […]
Potential of maize single-cross hybrids for extraction of inbred lines using the mean components and mixed models with microsatellite marker information
M. Balestre, R.G. Von Pinho, J.C. Souza, J.C. MachadoPublished: October 21, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1106-1118DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr491 Cite this Article:M. Balestre, R.G. Von Pinho, J.C. Souza, J.C. Machado (2008). Potential of maize single-cross hybrids for extraction of inbred lines using the mean components and mixed models with microsatellite marker information. Genet. Mol. Res. […]
Evaluation of genetic variability in micropropagated propagules of ornamental pineapple [Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (Lindley) Coppens and Leal] using RAPD markers
M.D.M. Santos, G.C.S. Buso, A.C. TorresPublished: October 21, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1097-1105DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr489 Cite this Article:M.D.M. Santos, G.C.S. Buso, A.C. Torres (2008). Evaluation of genetic variability in micropropagated propagules of ornamental pineapple [Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (Lindley) Coppens and Leal] using RAPD markers. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1097-1105. https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr489 About the AuthorsM.D.M. […]
FISH, PCR and cytogenetic characterization in a girl with ambiguous genitalia and karyotype mos46,X,iso(Y)(qter→p11.3::p11.3→qter)[80]/45,X[17]/46,X,+mar[3]
S.R.F. Pereira, .C.N. Pereira, M.T.V.L. Souza, M.R.B.P. RamosPublished: October 21, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1089-1096DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr483 Cite this Article:S.R.F. Pereira, A.C.N. Pereira, M.T.V.L. Souza, M.R.B.P. Ramos (2008). FISH, PCR and cytogenetic characterization in a girl with ambiguous genitalia and karyotype mos46,X,iso(Y)(qter→p11.3::p11.3→qter)[80]/45,X[17]/46,X,+mar[3]. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1089-1096. About the AuthorsS.R.F. Pereira, A.C.N. Pereira, M.T.V.L. […]
The role of disulfide bridges in the 3-D structures of the antimicrobial peptides gomesin and protegrin-1: a molecular dynamics study
J.R.M. Castro, C.A. Fuzo, L. Degrève, A. CaliriPublished: October 14, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1070-1088DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr507 Cite this Article:J.R.M. Castro, C.A. Fuzo, L. Degrève, A. Caliri (2008). The role of disulfide bridges in the 3-D structures of the antimicrobial peptides gomesin and protegrin-1: a molecular dynamics study. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(4): 1070-1088. https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr507 […]
Homologous recombination between HERVs causes duplications in the AZFa region of men accidentally exposed to cesium-137 in Goiânia
J.T. Arruda, D.M. Silva, C.C. Silva, K.K.V.O. Moura, A.D. da CruzPublished: October 14, 2008Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (4) : 1063-1069DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol7-4gmr492 Cite this Article:J.T. Arruda, D.M. Silva, C.C. Silva, K.K.V.O. Moura, A.D. da Cruz (2008). Homologous recombination between HERVs causes duplications in the AZFa region of men accidentally exposed to cesium-137 in Goiânia. Genet. Mol. […]