Category: Article Type

Overexpression of type-A rice response regulators, OsRR3 and OsRR5, results in lower sensitivity to cytokinins

X. Cheng*, H. Jiang*, J. Zhang, Y. Qian, S. Zhu and B. ChengPublished March 2, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 348-359 (2010) About the AuthorsX. Cheng*, H. Jiang*, J. Zhang, Y. Qian, S. Zhu and B. Cheng Corresponding author:B. ChengE-mail: ABSTRACT Response regulators are part of a two-component regulatory system. The type-A Arabidopsis response […]

Gelling agents and culture vessels affect invitro multiplication of banana plantlets

Y.A. Kaçar, B. Biçen, İ. Varol, Y.Y. Mendi, S. Serçe and S. ÇetinerPublished March 9, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 416-424 (2010) About the AuthorsY.A. Kaçar, B. Biçen, İ. Varol, Y.Y. Mendi, S. Serçe and S. Çetiner Corresponding author:Y.A. KaçarE-mail: ABSTRACT Agar is the most commonly used gelling agent in media for plant tissue culture. Because […]

Genetic, embryonic and anatomical study of an interspecific cassava hybrid

N.M.A. Nassar, D.Y. Hashimoto and D.G. RibeiroPublished March 23, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 532-538 (2010) About the Authors N.M.A. Nassar, D.Y. Hashimoto and D.G. Ribeiro Corresponding author: N.M.A. NassarE-mail: ABSTRACT A molecular, anatomical and cytogenetic study of an interspecific hybrid between Manihot esculenta (cassava) and the wild species M. oligantha was carried out. Cytogenetics revealed relatively […]

Optimization of DNA extraction from seeds and fresh leaf tissues of wild marigold (Tagetes minuta) for polymerase chain reaction analysis

I. Shahzadi, R. Ahmed, A. Hassan and M.M. ShahPublished March 9, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 386-393 (2010) About the Authors I. Shahzadi, R. Ahmed, A. Hassan and M.M. Shah Corresponding author: M.M. ShahE-mail: ABSTRACT Tagetes, a genus of flowering marigolds in the family Asteraceae (Compositeae), is reported to be a medicinal plant with hypotensive, spasmolytic, […]

Karyological features of wild and cultivated forms of myrtle (Myrtus communis, Myrtaceae)

S. Serçe, E. Ekbiç, J. Suda, K. Gündüz and Y. KiygaPublished March 9, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 429-433 (2010) About the Authors S. Serçe, E. Ekbiç, J. Suda, K. Gündüz and Y. Kiyga Corresponding author: S. SerçeE-mail: ABSTRACT Myrtle is an evergreen shrub or small tree widespread throughout the Mediterranean region. In Turkey, both cultivated […]

Polyandry in the red-headed river turtle Podocnemis erythrocephala (Testudines, Podocnemididae) in the Brazilian Amazon

C. Fantin, I.P. Farias, L.A.S. Monjeló and T. HrbekPublished March 16, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 435-440 (2010) About the Authors C. Fantin, I.P. Farias, L.A.S. Monjeló and T. Hrbek Corresponding author: C. FantinE-mail: ABSTRACT The genus Podocnemis comprises six living species, including P. erythrocephala (irapuca – red-headed river turtle). Data are available concerning the reproductive biology […]

Karyotypic evolution trends in Rhamdia quelen (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) with considerations about the origin and differentiation of its supernumerary chromosomes

C. Garcia, C. Oliveira and L.F. Almeida-ToledoPublished March 2, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 365-384 (2010) About the Authors C. Garcia, C. Oliveira and L.F. Almeida-Toledo Corresponding author: C. GarciaE-mail: ABSTRACT Among catfish species of the genus Rhamdia reported for the Brazilian territory, R. quelen is the most widespread, being found in nearly all hydrographic basins […]

Identifying the molecular basis of functions in the transcriptome of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum

T.J. Whitney, D.G. Gardner, M.L. Mott and M. BrandonPublished March 9, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 394-415 (2010) About the Authors T.J. Whitney, D.G. Gardner, M.L. Mott and M. Brandon Corresponding author:M. BrandonE-mail: ABSTRACT The unusual life cycle of Dictyostelium discoideum, in which an extra-cellular stressor such as starvation induces the development of a multicellular fruiting […]

Lack of association between glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms and primary glioma in a case-control study in Rio de Janeiro

P. Coutinho, V. Sandim, J.A. Oliveira, G. Alves and A. HatagimaPublished March 23, 2010Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 539-544 (2010) About the Authors P. Coutinho, V. Sandim, J.A. Oliveira, G. Alves and A. Hatagima Corresponding author: A. HatagimaE-mail: ABSTRACT The glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), a family of phase II isozymes, detoxify several carcinogens. Genetic variations in GSTs have […]

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