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Laronidase for treating mucopolysaccharidosistype I

R.P. El Dib, G.M. PastoresPublished September 30, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 667-674 (2007) About the authorsR.P. El Dib, G.M. Pastores Corresponding authorR.P. El DibE-mail: ABSTRACT Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of inherited metabolic diseases caused by the absence or deficiency of the lysosomal enzymes that are needed for breaking down glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Over time, […]

Study of the cytogenetic effects of occupationalexposure to pesticides on sanitation workersin Belo Horizonte, Brazil

F.S.G. Kehdy, E.M.M. Cerqueira, M.B. Bonjardim, R.M. Camelo, M.C.L. CastroPublished September 30, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 581-593 (2007) About the authorsF.S.G. Kehdy, E.M.M. Cerqueira, M.B. Bonjardim, R.M. Camelo, M.C.L. Castro Corresponding authorF.S.G. KehdyE-mail: ABSTRACT Sanitation workers handling pesticides in the control of disease vectors constitute an occupationally exposed population to genotoxic substances. The […]

Multiple antimicrobial resistancein Enterobacteriaceae isolates frompristine freshwater

C.I. Lima-Bittencourt, L. Cursino, H. Gonçalves-Dornelas,D.S. Pontes, R.M.D. Nardi, M. Callisto, E. Chartone-Souzaand A.M.A. NascimentoPublished September 5, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 510-521 (2007) About the authorsC.I. Lima-Bittencourt, L. Cursino, H. Gonçalves-Dornelas,D.S. Pontes, R.M.D. Nardi, M. Callisto, E. Chartone-Souzaand A.M.A. Nascimento Corresponding authorA.M.A. NascimentoE-mail: ABSTRACT A freshwater enterobacterial population (N = 111) was studied […]

A general review of competition genetic effects with an emphasis on swine breeding

C.Y. Chen, R.K. Johnson, S. Newman, L.D. Van VleckPublished September 30, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (3): 594-606 (2007) About the authorsC.Y. Chen, R.K. Johnson, S. Newman, L.D. Van Vleck Corresponding authorL.D. Van VleckE-mail: ABSTRACTA review of previous studies is presented on estimates f genetic parameters and responses to selection with traditional reeding approaches, on […]

Transferability of short tandem repeatmarkers for two wild Canid species inhabitingthe Brazilian Cerrado

F.M. Rodrigues, M.P.C. Telles, L.V. Resende, T.N. Soares,J.A.F. Diniz-Filho, A.T.A. Jácomo, L. SilveiraPublished December 13, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (4): 846-850 (2006) About the authorsF.M. Rodrigues, M.P.C. Telles, L.V. Resende, T.N. Soares,J.A.F. Diniz-Filho, A.T.A. Jácomo, L. Silveira Corresponding author: F.M. RodriguesE-mail: ABSTRACT The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) and the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) are […]

Transcriptional regulation of catabolicpathways for aromatic compounds inCorynebacterium glutamicum

K. Brinkrolf, I. Brune, A. TauchPublished December 7, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (4): 773-789 (2006) About the authorsK. Brinkrolf, I. Brune, A. Tauch Corresponding authorA. TauchE-mail: Andreas.Tauch@Genetik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE ABSTRACT Corynebacteriumglutamicum is a gram-positive soil microorganism able to utilize a large variety of aromatic compounds as the sole carbon source. The corresponding catabolic routes are associated with […]

Cassava in South America, Brazil’scontribution and the lesson to be learned fromIndia

Nagib M.A. NassarPublished November 17, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (4): 688-695 (2006) About the authorsNagib M.A. Nassar Corresponding authorN.M.A. NassarE-mail: ABSTRACT South America is responsible for about half of the cassava world production. In the 1970’s productivity of the crop on the continent was about 15 ton/ha, and dropped continuously until reaching 12 ton/ha […]

Rapid and efficient protocol for DNA extraction and molecular identification of the basidiomycete Crinipellis perniciosa

S.C.O. Melo, C. Pungartnik, J.C.M. Cascardo and M. BrendelPublished December 14, 2006Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (4): 851-855 (2006) About the authorsS.C.O. Melo, C. Pungartnik, J.C.M. Cascardo and M. Brende Corresponding author: M. BrendelE-mail: ABSTRACT DNA isolation from some fungal organisms is difficult because they have cell walls or capsules that are relatively unsusceptible to […]

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