R.C. de Melo, P.H. Cerutti, F.A.C. Nardello, A.F. Guidolin, J.G.C. da Silva, J.L.M. CoimbraPublished: January 31, 2022Genet. Mol. Res. 21(1): GMR18986DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18986 Cite this Article:R.C. de Melo, P.H. Cerutti, F.A.C. Nardello, A.F. Guidolin, J.G.C. da Silva, J.L.M. Coimbra (2022). Genetic structure of root distribution in genotype crosses of Mesoamerican common bean. Genet. Mol. Res. 21(1): […]
siRNA-mediated mesothelin silencing for treatment of mesothelioma
A. Aksoy, A. Varoglu, E.E. Onalan, A. Tektemur, G. ArtasPublished: January 24, 2022Genet. Mol. Res. 21(1): GMR18955DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18955 Cite this Article:A. Aksoy, A. Varoglu, E.E. Onalan, A. Tektemur, G. Artas (2022). siRNA-mediated mesothelin silencing for treatment of mesothelioma. Genet. Mol. Res. 21(1): GMR18955. https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18955 About the AuthorsA. Aksoy, A. Varoglu, E.E. Onalan, A. Tektemur, G. […]
Genetic diversity among pepper (Capsicum spp.) accessions estimated by microsatellite markers
A.P. Dantas, F. da S. Quemel, J.S. Romero, J.O. Santos, A.D. LopesPublished: January 03, 2022Genet. Mol. Res. 21(1): GMR18953DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18953 Cite this Article:A.P. Dantas, daS. Quemel, J.S. Romero, J.O. Santos, A.D. Lopes (2022). Genetic diversity among pepper (Capsicum spp.) accessions estimated by microsatellite markers. Genet. Mol. Res. 21(1): GMR18953. https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18953 About the AuthorsA.P. Dantas, F. […]
Polymorphism of CAST and GDF-8 genes and association with physical-chemical parameters of sheep meat
C. Esteves, K.G. do Livramento,L.V. Paiva, A.P. Peconick, I.F.F. Garcia, C.A.P. Garbossa, T.B. Cardoso, P.B. FariaPublished: September 30, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18325DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18325 Cite this Article:C. Esteves, K.Gdo Livramento, L.V. Paiva, A.P. Peconick, I.F.F. Garcia, C.A.P. Garbossa, T.B. Cardoso, P.B. Faria (2020). Polymorphism of CAST and GDF-8 genes and association with physical-chemical parameters of […]
Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activity of the methanolic extract from Annona sylvatica (Annonaceae)
M. Andrade-Silva, S.C. Cavalher-Machado, A.S.N. Formagio, R.S. Maris, O.M. de Lima Junior, S.B.V. de Mello, M.G.M.O. Henriques, A.C. Arena, C.A.L. KassuyaPublished: September 30, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18661DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18661 Cite this Article:M. Andrade-Silva, S.C. Cavalher-Machado, A.S.N. Formagio, R.S. Maris, O.Mde Lima Junior, S.B.V. de Mello, M.G.M.O. Henriques, A.C. Arena, C.A.L. Kassuya (2020). Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic […]
Digital phenotyping of winter squash fruits
R. Machado Junior, R.S. Gomes, C.F. de Almeida, V.Q. Carneiro, R.L. de Oliveira, R.D.F. Laurindo, G.M. Maciel, D.J.H. da SilvaPublished: September 30, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18646DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18646 Cite this Article:M. Junior, R.S. Gomes, C.F. de Almeida, V.Q. Carneiro, R.L. de Oliveira, R.D.F. Laurindo, G.M. Maciel, D.J.H. da Silva (2020). Digital phenotyping of winter squash […]
Genome size and chromosome number of Dipteryx alata (Leguminosae): a model candidate for comparative genomics in Papilionoideae
A.M. Antunes, C.P. Targueta, A.A. Castro, G. Souza, T.N. Soares, M.P.C. TellesPublished: September 30, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18640DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18640 Cite this Article:A.M. Antunes, C.P. Targueta, A.A. Castro, G. Souza, T.N. Soares, M.P.C. Telles (2020). Genome size and chromosome number of Dipteryx alata (Leguminosae): a model candidate for comparative genomics in Papilionoideae. Genet. Mol. Res. […]
Environmental factors and polymorphisms of interleukin genes contribute to susceptibility to chronic periodontal disease
J.A.X. Manso, R. Hannum, J.S. Fortes, S.S.M. Duarte, A.S. da Cruz, L.B. Minasi, A.D. da Cruz, C.C. da SilvaPublished: September 30, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18568DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18568 Cite this Article:J.A.X. Manso, R. Hannum, J.S. Fortes, S.S.M. Duarte, A.S. da Cruz, L.B. Minasi, A.D. da Cruz, C.C. da Silva (2020). Environmental factors and polymorphisms of interleukin […]
Analysis of microRNAs -15b, -16, -21, -221 and -222 as molecular markers in the blood of rats submitted to focal cerebral ischemia associated with alcoholism
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The 3AT gene determines fruit color of Myrica rubra (Myricaceae)
F. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Ni, B. YanPublished: August 31, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18371DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18371 Cite this Article:F. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Ni, B. Yan (2020). The 3AT gene determines fruit color of Myrica rubra (Myricaceae). Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18371. https://doi.org/10.4238/gmr18371 About the AuthorsF. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Ni, B. Yan Corresponding AuthorF. […]