Author: cadmin1

CRISPR Technology in Animal Embryos: A Literature Review

Farias IM*, Monteiro PB, de Oliveira NS, de Souza CM, de Moura GA, de Brito ML, Cavalcanti RV, Fontanezi CTB and Filho MPMPublished December 19, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2349 About the AuthorsFarias IM*, Monteiro PB, de Oliveira NS, de Souza CM, de Moura GA, de Brito ML, Cavalcanti RV, Fontanezi CTB and Filho MPM Corresponding author:Isabelle Magalhães FariasE-mail: ABSTRACT CRISPR, also known as “Clustered […]

Breeding of Herbicide-Resistant Thermosensitive Two-Line Sterile Rice Line “Z017S” and Its Potential Application in Weed Control in Direct-Seeded Rice Fields

Wei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang*Published December 19, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr23103 About the AuthorsWei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang* Corresponding author:Dewen ZhangE-mail: ABSTRACT Rice, as one of the world’s most important staple crops, plays a crucial role in ensuring food security. Currently, traditional rice production methods face immense pressure due to […]

Determination of the role of RAGE rs1800625 polymorphism in diabetic retinopathy in South Asian Population

Mujeeb Ur Rehman Parrey*Published February 24, 2025 Genet. Mol. Res. 24 (1): gmr24121  About the AuthorsMujeeb Ur Rehman Parrey* Corresponding author:Mujeeb Ur Rehman ParreyE-mail: ABSTRACT Diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes and a leading cause of visual impairment is a significant global public health concern. The study aimed to investigate the role of RAGE rs1800625 […]

Dissecting the Genetic Basis of Superior Traits in Thermosensitive Genic Male Sterile Line 1892S Through Genome-Wide Analysis

Wei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang*Published October 28, 2024 Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2371  About the AuthorsWei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang* Corresponding author:Dewen ZhangE-mail: ABSTRACT Hybrid rice has revolutionized food security by leveraging heterosis, a phenomenon where offspring outperform their parents. Sterile lines, crucial for controlled cross-pollination in hybrid breeding, have played a […]

The impact of silencing TRPC6 on the proliferation, apoptosis, and extracellular matrix secretion of epithelial cells lining the cyst wall in ADPKD

Liyin Chai, Binying Zhang, Zhengyang Liu, Jun Zeng, Xingqing Chen, Li Gong, Fang Wang*Published October 28, 2024 Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2372  About the AuthorsLiyin Chai, Binying Zhang, Zhengyang Liu, Jun Zeng, Xingqing Chen, Li Gong, Fang Wang* Corresponding author:Fang WangE-mail: ABSTRACT Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD), a prevalent hereditary disorder, involves the Transient Receptor […]

Lung function and bronchodilator response are associated with the SNP rs1042714 in ADRB2 gene

V.P. de Sousa, B.G. Marcarini, B. dos A. Bortolini, F.N. Barcellos Filho, F.S. Serpa, F. de Paula, J.G. Mill and F.I.V. ErreraPublished September 23, 2024 Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2311DOI  About the AuthorsV.P. de Sousa, B.G. Marcarini, B. dos A. Bortolini, F.N. Barcellos Filho, F.S. Serpa, F. de Paula, J.G. Mill and F.I.V. Errera Corresponding author:Flávia Imbroisi Valle ErreraE-mail:  ABSTRACT Asthma is […]

Deficit and excess of nutrients in maize crop: morphological and agronomic effects

T.A. Segatto, I.R. Carvalho, W.J.A. Bandeira, L.C. Pradebon, M.V. Loro, J.P. SangiovoPublished December 30, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2316DOI About the AuthorsT.A. Segatto, I.R. Carvalho, W.J.A. Bandeira, L.C. Pradebon, M.V. Loro, J.P. Sangiovo Corresponding author:Ivan Ricardo CarvalhoE-mail: ABSTRACT Nutritional disorders can lead to a decline in plant growth due to changes in nutritional efficiency. The present study aimed to evaluate the morphological development […]

Target-enrichment capturing Next-Generation Sequencing panel for screening sarcoma associated driver mutations

JW Ahn*, JH Kim*, BR Kim, JH Min, HG Kang, SJ Kim, T Yun, WY Choi, YG Suh, SY Park, HJ You, EY Lee, YN Kim, JY Sung and KW KimPublished September 18, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2383DOI About the AuthorsJW Ahn*, JH Kim*, BR Kim, JH Min, HG Kang, SJ Kim, T Yun, WY Choi, YG Suh, SY Park, HJ You, EY Lee, YN […]

Gluten diet alters the blood cytokine expressions in Spix’s Saddleback Tamarin (Leontocebus fuscicollis) kept in captivity in the Amazon region

T.T.G. Almeida, T.A. Helmer, M.H. Silva, M.A. Huffman, M.V.B Monteiro, P.D.P. Bessa, A.R. Casseb, W.L.A. Pereira, F.O.B. Monteiro and E. Silva Filho*Published December 27, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2394DOI About the AuthorsT.T.G. Almeida, T.A. Helmer, M.H. Silva, M.A. Huffman, M.V.B Monteiro, P.D.P. Bessa, A.R. Casseb, W.L.A. Pereira, F.O.B. Monteiro and E. Silva Filho* Corresponding author:E. Silva FilhoE-mail: ABSTRACT Callitrichids represent a wide diversity of primates from the New World […]

Effect of A1 and A2 alleles of CSN2 gene on yield, composition traits, and somatic cell count of milk from cows of contrasting genotypes in Brazil

E.D. Marino, D.C.M. Fonseca*, A.N. Vasconcellos, L.M.F.S. Oliveira, A.F.M. Santos, J.C.C. Balieiro and A. M. C. VidalPublished November 29, 2024Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2348DOI About the AuthorsE.D. Marino, D.C.M. Fonseca*, A.N. Vasconcellos, L.M.F.S. Oliveira, A.F.M. Santos, J.C.C. Balieiro and A. M. C. Vidal Corresponding author:D.C.M. FonsecaE-mail: ABSTRACT This study was developed to identify […]

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