Mitotic behavior in root tips of Brachiaria genotypes with meiotic chromosome elimination during microsporogenesis

M.F. Felismino, N. Silva, M.S. Pagliarini, C.B. Valle
Published: April 15, 2008
Genet. Mol. Res. 7 (2) : 336-341

Cite this Article:
M.F. Felismino, N. Silva, M.S. Pagliarini, C.B. Valle (2008). Mitotic behavior in root tips of Brachiaria genotypes with meiotic chromosome elimination during microsporogenesis. Genet. Mol. Res. 7(2): 336-341.

About the Authors
M.F. Felismino, N. Silva, M.S. Pagliarini, C.B. Valle

Corresponding author
M.S. Pagliarini


Three accessions of Brachiaria brizantha, three of B. humidicola, and two interspecific hybrids between B. ruziziensis and B. brizantha were analyzed with regard to their mitotic behavior in root tips. All these genotypes revealed chromosome elimination or lack of chromosome affinity in previous analyses of microsporogenesis. Analyses of root tips showed a normal mitotic division in all accessions and hybrids, reinforcing the notion that the genetic control of meiosis is totally independent of that of mitosis. The implications of these findings for the Brachiaria breeding program are discussed.

Key words: Brachiaria, Meiosis, chromosome elimination, mitosis.

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