Evaluation of cancer records from 2000-2004 in Denizli, Turkey

A. Köksal, H.Ç. Sorkun, H. Demirhan, A.G. Tomatir, T. Alan, F. Özerdem
Published: January 27, 2009
Genet. Mol. Res. 8 (1) : 64-75
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4238/vol8-1gmr533

Cite this Article:
A. Köksal, H.Ç. Sorkun, H. Demirhan, A.G. Tomatir, T. Alan, F. Özerdem (2009). Evaluation of cancer records from 2000-2004 in Denizli, Turkey. Genet. Mol. Res. 8(1): 64-75. https://doi.org/10.4238/vol8-1gmr533

About the Authors
A. Köksal, H.Ç. Sorkun, H. Demirhan, A.G. Tomatir, T. Alan, F. Özerdem

Corresponding author
A.G. Tomatır
E-mail: tomatir@pau.edu.tr / aysegaye@hotmail.com


Objective information about cancer incidence is important for planning control programs. We examined the distribution of cancer cases recorded in Denizli province, Turkey. A total of 2185 cancer cases reported to the Denizli Province Health Ministry’s Cancer Early Diagnosis Center during the years 2000-2004 were evaluated for sociodemographic characteristics, cigarette use, family history, and organ systems. Among these cases, 56% were male and 44% were female; 45.1% of the patients had smoked cigarettes at some time and there was a 10-fold increase in lung cancer and a 4-fold increase in urinary cancers among cigarette smokers (P < 0.001). We found that 34.4% of the cancer cases were diagnosed as localized, 27.9% had a more extensive distribution and 21.8% were in metastasis. The most frequent types were urinary cancers at 26.4%, gastrointestinal cancers at 19.2% and respiratory cancers at 18.9%; there was a significant increase in gastrointestinal, blood and skin cancers over the years. Lung (14.9%), breast (14.1%), bladder (8.0%), prostate (5.3%), and lymphatic (4.8%) cancer cases were the most common.

Key words: Retrospective study, Cancer records, Cancer incidence, Turkey.

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