Genetic, embryonic and anatomical study of an interspecific cassava hybrid

N.M.A. Nassar, D.Y. Hashimoto and D.G. Ribeiro
Published March 23, 2010
Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 532-538 (2010)

About the Authors 
N.M.A. Nassar, D.Y. Hashimoto and D.G. Ribeiro

Corresponding author: 
N.M.A. Nassar


A molecular, anatomical and cytogenetic study of an interspecific hybrid between Manihot esculenta (cassava) and the wild species M. oligantha was carried out. Cytogenetics revealed relatively complete chromosome pairing and high viability of the pollen grains. Ovule structure examined by the clearing method showed polyembryony in 2.7% of the ovules. Doubling of the chromosome number resulted in an increase in polyembryony of up to 18% and a reduction in pollen viability. Multivalent formation was also observed. An anatomical study of stems of diploid and tetraploid hybrids showed a larger number of vascular bundles in the tetraploid type.

Key words: Genetics; Embryology; Anatomy; Cassava hybridization.

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