Breeding of Herbicide-Resistant Thermosensitive Two-Line Sterile Rice Line “Z017S” and Its Potential Application in Weed Control in Direct-Seeded Rice Fields

Wei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang*
Published December 19, 2024
Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr23103

About the Authors
Wei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang*

Corresponding author:
Dewen Zhang


Rice, as one of the world’s most important staple crops, plays a crucial role in ensuring food security. Currently, traditional rice production methods face immense pressure due to challenges such as labor shortages, aging agricultural workforces, and water scarcity caused by climate change. Against this backdrop, direct-seeded rice technology has garnered widespread attention for its advantages in labor savings and improved wateruse efficiency. However, weed management in direct-seeded rice fields remains a significant challenge. While traditional chemical herbicides are effective, they pose environmental pollution risks and food safety concerns. To address this issue, this study successfully breeds a non-GMO two-line sterile line, “Z017S,” through pedigree breeding using herbicide-resistant germplasm resources (such as Hua K01S) and superior two-line sterile lines as parents. This sterile line exhibits stable herbicide resistance and sterility traits, providing a new parental resource for breeding herbicide-resistant hybrid rice. It offers an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and easy-to-operate solution for weed control in direct-seeded rice fields compared to traditional herbicide methods. The results show that Z017S demonstrates excellent herbicide resistance and sterility across various growing environments, indicating a wide range of application prospects.

Key words: Direct-seeded rice; Herbicide resistance; Z017S; Weed management; Sustainable rice production.

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