Dissecting the Genetic Basis of Superior Traits in Thermosensitive Genic Male Sterile Line 1892S Through Genome-Wide Analysis

Wei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang*
Published October 28, 2024 
Genet. Mol. Res. 23 (4): gmr2371

About the Authors
Wei Zhang, Liang Zhou, Dewen Zhang*

Corresponding author:
Dewen Zhang
E-mail: zhangdewen0551@163.com


Hybrid rice has revolutionized food security by leveraging heterosis, a phenomenon where offspring outperform their parents. Sterile lines, crucial for controlled cross-pollination in hybrid breeding, have played a central role in this success. This study delves into the superior alleles of 1892S, a two-line sterile rice line widely used as a female parent in central China. By integrating extensive hybridization data, high-throughput genome sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis (RiceNavi), we elucidate the genetic underpinnings of 1892S’s exceptional adaptability. The results reveal its remarkable compatibility as a female parent in over 114 hybrid varieties, potentially due to the influence of Japonica characteristics contributing to strong hybrid vigor. Furthermore, some favorable alleles were identified that were associated with lodging resistance, high yield potential, and improved nitrogen use efficiency etc. The comprehensive characterization of 1892S provides valuable insights for future hybrid rice breeding programs, ultimately facilitating the development of superior rice varieties.

Key words: 1892S; Rice; Superior alleles; Thermosensitive genic male sterile line.

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