Month: May 2022

Agronomic performance of wheat cultivars in different sowing dates under high temperature conditions in Brazil

G.H. Bevilacqua, A.P. Neto, B.H.P. Val, C.V.G. Azevedo, J.S. Sobrinho, P.H.S. Libório, S. Leite, S.H. Unêda-TrevisoliPublished: May 31, 2022Genet. Mol. Res. 21(2): GMR18993DOI: Cite this Article:G.H. Bevilacqua, A.P. Neto, B.H.P. Val, C.V.G. Azevedo, J.S. Sobrinho, P.H.S. Libório, WdeS. Leite, S.H. Unêda-Trevisoli (2022). Agronomic performance of wheat cultivars in different sowing dates under high […]

Transcriptional profile throughout the X-inactive specific transcript (XIST) locus in the placenta of cattle

P.S. de Castro, L.N. Vargas, T.C.F Silva, A.F.L Rios, A.R. Caetano, M.M. FrancoPublished: May 25, 2022Genet. Mol. Res. 21(2): GMR19039DOI: Cite this Article:P.S. de Castro, L.N. Vargas, T.C.F. Silva, A.F.L. Rios, A.R. Caetano, M.M. Franco (2022). Transcriptional profile throughout the X-inactive specific transcript (XIST) locus in the placenta of cattle. Genet. Mol. Res. 21(2): […]

Comparing SNP-based genetic linkage and physical maps in guava (Psidium guajava)

F.L.B. Medeiros, C.A.F. Santos, A.E.S. CostaPublished: May 25, 2022Genet. Mol. Res. 21(2): GMR19033DOI: Cite this Article:F.L.B. Medeiros, C.A.F. Santos, A.E.S. Costa (2022). Comparing SNP-based genetic linkage and physical maps in guava (Psidium guajava). Genet. Mol. Res. 21(2): GMR19033. About the AuthorsF.L.B. Medeiros, C.A.F. Santos, A.E.S. Costa Corresponding AuthorC.A.F. SantosEmail: ABSTRACT Genome mapping […]

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