Month: March 2021

Spatial arrangement and its implications in the yield of maize cultivars

L.L. Ferreira, S. Mendes, I.R. Carvalho, G.G. Conte, F.S. Leal, N.S.C. Santos, J.G. Silva, M.S. Fernandes, A.I.A. Pereira, C.R.S. Curvelo, D.J. HutraPublished: February 28, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18425DOI: Cite this Article:L.L. Ferreira, S. Mendes, I.R. Carvalho, G.G. Conte, F.S. Leal, N.S.C. Santos, J.G. Silva, M.S. Fernandes, A.I.A. Pereira, C.R.S. Curvelo, D.J. Hutra (2021). […]

Association of TCF7L2 rs12255372 –G/T polymorphism with type 2 diabetes in a Nigerian population

G.A. Engwa, F.N. Nwalo, C.O. Ozokonkwo, K.N. Agbafor, B.N. Nkeh-Chungag, B.E. UbiPublished: February 28, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18662DOI: Cite this Article:G.A. Engwa, F.N. Nwalo, C.O. Ozokonkwo, K.N. Agbafor, B.N. Nkeh-Chungag, B.E. Ubi (2021). Association of TCF7L2 rs12255372 –G/T polymorphism with type 2 diabetes in a Nigerian population. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18662. […]

Backcrossing in passion fruit: generation advance and selection of genotypes resistant to Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus

S.C. Preisigke, A.P. Viana, E.A. Santos, P.R. dos Santos, N.R. Cavalcante, M. Ambrósio, J.C. de O. Freitas, R. RodriguesPublished: January 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18668DOI: Cite this Article:S.C. Preisigke, A.P. Viana, E.A. Santos, P.R. dos Santos, N.R. Cavalcante, M. Ambrósio, J.C. de O. Freitas, R. Rodrigues (2021). Backcrossing in passion fruit: generation advance […]

Genomic prediction of lactation curves of Girolando cattle based on nonlinear mixed models

F.R.F. Teixeira, M. Nascimento, P.R. Cecon, C.D. Cruz, F.Fe Silva, A.C.C. Nascimento, C.F. Azevedo, D.B.D. Marques, M.V.G.B. da Silva, A.P.S. Carneiro, D.M. PaixãoPublished: January 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18691DOI: Cite this Article:F.R.F. Teixeira, M. Nascimento, P.R. Cecon, C.D. Cruz, F.Fe Silva, A.C.C. Nascimento, C.F. Azevedo, D.B.D. Marques, M.V.G.B. da Silva, A.P.S. Carneiro, D.M. […]

Peach phenological characters: heritability, maternal effect and correlation with brown rot

M. Dini, M.C.B. Raseira, S. Scariotto, P.M. Marchi, P. Mello-FariasPublished: January 31, 2021Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18684DOI: Cite this Article:M. Dini, M.C.B. Raseira, S. Scariotto, P.M. Marchi, P. Mello-Farias (2021). Peach phenological characters: heritability, maternal effect and correlation with brown rot. Genet. Mol. Res. 20(1): GMR18684. About the AuthorsM. Dini, M.C.B. Raseira, S. […]

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