Methods of adaptability and stability applied to the improvement of flooded rice

A.C. Silva Júnior, V.Q. Carneiro, I.G. Santos, W.G Costa, G.N. Silva, C.D. Cruz, P.C. Soares
Published: August 31, 2020
Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18434

Cite this Article:
A.C.Silva Júnior, V.Q. Carneiro, I.G. Santos, W.G. Costa, G.N. Silva, C.D. Cruz, P.C. Soares (2020). Methods of adaptability and stability applied to the improvement of flooded rice. Genet. Mol. Res. 19(3): GMR18434.

About the Authors
A.C. Silva Júnior, V.Q. Carneiro, I.G. Santos, W.G Costa, G.N. Silva, C.D. Cruz, P.C. Soares

Corresponding Author
A.C. Silva Júnior
Email: antonio.silva


Rice (Oryza sativa) is crop that adapts well to diverse soil and climate conditions; breeding programs have generally been committed to identifying and selecting genotypes that are stable and have high productivity in various environments. In this sense, studies of adaptability and stability are of paramount importance to aid in the recommendation of cultivars, since it allows growers to obtain detailed information about the behavior of the genotypes in each region. We evaluatde the adaptability and stability of irrigated rice genotypes grown with continuous flooding, for the selection and recommendation of cultivars for crops or breeding programs. Eighteen genotypes were evaluated for grain yield in four agricultural years at three sites, covering 12 environments. The adaptability and stability were assessed by the methods of Eberhart and Russell, multiple centroids and GGE biplot. Genotypes behaved differently regarding stability and adaptability in the different environments. Both methodologies identified BRA 02691 and MGI 0607-1 as promising to be released as cultivars; however, classification inconsistencies occurred, such as for the line BRA 031001. Multiple centroid and GGE biplot methods demonstrated greater sensitivity than the Eberhart and Russell method. Using the methods simultaneously provides an innovative approach to the interpretation of GxE interactions and is a viable alternative for genotype classification. The genotype MGI 0607-1 showed promising behavior independent of the methodology used.

Keywords: Biometry, Breeding program, Breeding Program, Interaction GxE, Oryza sativa.

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