Month: March 2020

Identification and molecular analysis of yeasts found in domestic pigeon droppings in Montes Claros, MG, Brazil

J. Santos, M.A.S. Xavier, L. Cardoso, S.A.M Nobre, R.R. Bacchi, C.H.C. Cangussu, A.C. Almeida, L.N. Leite, N.A.P. Barreto, A.R.E.O. XavierPublished: March 26, 2020Genet. Mol. Res. 19(1): GMR18521DOI: Cite this Article:J. Santos, M.A.S. Xavier, L. Cardoso, S.A.M. Nobre, R.R. Bacchi, C.H.C. Cangussu, A.C. Almeida, L.N. Leite, N.A.P. Barreto, A.R.E.O. Xavier (2020). Identification and molecular analysis […]

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