Day: December 27, 2018

Assessment of the genetic diversity and population structure of Jatropha curcas accessions in Brazil using ISSR markers

S.O. Gomes, .F.M. Mendes, R.L.F. Gomes, M.E.C. Veloso, N.H.C. Arriel, D.M.P. Azevedo, G.M.C. Carvalho, P.S.C. LimaPublished: December 27, 2018Genet. Mol. Res. 17(4): GMR18208DOI: Cite this Article:S.O. Gomes, R.F.M. Mendes, R.L.F. Gomes, M.E.C. Veloso, N.H.C. Arriel, D.M.P. Azevedo, G.M.C. Carvalho, P.S.C. Lima (2018). Assessment of the genetic diversity and population structure of Jatropha curcas accessions […]

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