Day: July 26, 2018

Detection of sequences related to biosynthesis of antifungal metabolites and identification of a PhzF-like gene in a Pseudomonas rhizobacterium of Piper tuberculatum

O.S. Silva Jr., N.L.F. Barros, A.S. Siqueira, E.C. Gonçalves, D. N. Marques, S.P. Reis, C.R.B. SouzaPublished: July 26, 2018Genet. Mol. Res. 17(3): GMR18035DOI: Cite this Article:O.S. Silva, N.L.F. Barros, A.S. Siqueira, E.C. Gonçalves, D.N. Marques, S.P. Reis, C.R.B. Souza (2018). Detection of sequences related to biosynthesis of antifungal metabolites and identification of a PhzF-like […]

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