Compatibility of interspecific Manihot crosses presaged by protein electrophoresis

N.M.A. Nassar, N. Bomfim, A. Chaib, L.F.A. Abreu and P.T.C. Gomes
Published January 19, 2010
Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (1): 107-112 (2010)

About the Authors
N.M.A. Nassar, N. Bomfim, A. Chaib, L.F.A. Abreu and P.T.C. Gomes

Corresponding author:
N.M.A. Nassar


Cross incompatibility of wild Manihot species with cassava (M. esculenta) can impede their utilization for improving this cultigen. We tested whether compatibility could be determined based on electrophoresis results. Manihot pilosa, M. glaziovii, M. reptans, and M. cearulescens were tested. These species were allowed to hybridize with cassava to determine whether hybridization coincides with the similarity index based on electrophoresis analysis. Gene markers of leaf shape, stem surface, disk color, and fruit shape were used to confirm hybridization. Manihot pilosa and M. glaziovii successfully hybridized with cassava, while the others failed to do so under natural conditions. This result coincided with the similarity index from electrophoresis.

Key words: Interspecific crosses; Marker genes; Manihot; Wild cassava species.

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