Year: 2007

Transferability of microsatellite loci from Cervidae species to the endangered Brazilian marsh deer, Blastocerus dichotomus

K.C.E. Leite, R.G. Collevatti, T.R. Menegasso, W.M. Tomas and J.M.B. DuartePublished May 22, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 325-330 (2007) About the AuthorsK.C.E. Leite, R.G. Collevatti, T.R. Menegasso, W.M. Tomas and J.M.B. Duarte Corresponding authorR.G. CollevattiE-mail: ABSTRACT Blastocerusdichotomus, the marsh deer, is the largest Brazilian Cervidae species. The species is endangered because of hunting […]

Genetic variability in maned wolf based on heterologous short-tandem repeat markers from domestic dog

D.C. Salim, A.A. Akimoto, C.B. Carvalho, S.F. Oliveira, C.K. Grisolia, J.R. Moreira and M.N. Klautau-GuimarãesPublished June 20, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 348-357 (2007) About the AuthorsD.C. Salim, A.A. Akimoto, C.B. Carvalho, S.F. Oliveira, C.K. Grisolia, J.R. Moreira and M.N. Klautau-Guimarães Corresponding authorM.N. Klautau-GuimarãesE-mail: ABSTRACT The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest South […]

Colony membership is reflected by variations in cuticular hydrocarbon profile in a Neotropical paper wasp, Polistes satan (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)

I.C. Tannure-Nascimento, F.S. Nascimento, I.C. Turatti, N.P. Lopes, J.R. Trigo and R. ZucchiPublished June 27, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 390-396 (2007) About the AuthorsI.C. Tannure-Nascimento, F.S. Nascimento, I.C. Turatti, N.P. Lopes, J.R. Trigo and R. Zucchi Corresponding authorF.S. NascimentoE-mail: ABSTRACT Nestmate recognition is one the most important features in social insect colonies. Although […]

Minimization of transcriptional temporal noise and scale invariance in the yeast genome

R.C. Ferreira, F. Bosco, P.B. Paiva and M.R.S. BrionesPublished June 29, 2007Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2): 397-414 (2007) About the AuthorsR.C. Ferreira, F. Bosco, P.B. Paiva and M.R.S. Briones Corresponding authorM.R.S. BrionesE-mail: ABSTRACT The analysis of transcriptional temporal noise could be an interesting means to study gene expression dynamics and stochasticity in eukaryotes. To […]

Description of electrophoretic and chromatographic hemoglobin profile of Rhinoclemmys punctularia

C.R. Bonini-Domingos, M.B. Silva, R.M. Romero, P.J.A. Zamaro, L.S. Ondei, C.E.S. Zago, S.B. Moreira, C.G. Salgado Published: June 30, 2007 Genet. Mol. Res. 6 (2) : 415-421   Cite this Article: C.R. Bonini-Domingos, M.B. Silva, R.M. Romero, P.J.A. Zamaro, L.S. Ondei, C.E.S. Zago, S.B. Moreira, C.G. Salgado (2007). Description of electrophoretic and chromatographic hemoglobin profile of Rhinoclemmys […]

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