F.R. Torres, L.S. Ondei, P.J.A. Zamaro, R.U. Silva, C.E. Cavasini,A.R.B. Rossit, R.L.D. Machado, C.R. Bonini-Domingos
Published December 1, 2006
Genet. Mol. Res. 5 (4): 713-716 (2006)
About the authors
F.R. Torres, L.S. Ondei, P.J.A. Zamaro, R.U. Silva, C.E. Cavasini,A.R.B. Rossit, R.L.D. Machado, C.R. Bonini-Domingos
Corresponding author
C.R. Bonini-Domingos
E-mail: claudiabonini@yahoo.com.br
We describe a heterozygous case of Hb I-Philadelphia [alpha 16 (A14) LYS→GLU] in a blood donor from the Acre State Blood Bank, in the Brazilian Amazon region. We confirmed the mutation by electrophoretic and chromatographic methods and by DNA sequencing.A literature search showed that this is the first description of this alpha globin mutant in a Brazilian Caucasian group. We also emphasize the importance of the hemoglobin study in blood donors for the purpose of the genetic counseling and quality assurance of the blood to be transfused. Screening tests for hemoglobin mutants are also important for gathering anthropological information about the Brazilian population.
Key words: Hb I-Philadelphia, Rare hemoglobin, HPLC, Blood donors