Cross-contamination with tamoxifen induces transgene expression in non-exposed inducible transgenic mice

Rachael L. Brake, Paul J. Simmons, C. Glenn Begley
Published: December 22, 2004
Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (4) : 456-462
Cite this Article:
R.L. Brake, P.J. Simmons, G. Begley (2004). Cross-contamination with tamoxifen induces transgene expression in non-exposed inducible transgenic mice. Genet. Mol. Res. 3(4): 456-462.
About the Authors 
Rachael L. Brake, Paul J. Simmons, C. Glenn Begley
Corresponding author
R.L. Brake

Inducible transgenic mouse models that impose a constraint on both temporal and spatial expression of a given transgene are invaluable. These animals facilitate experiments that can address the role of a specific cell or group of cells within an animal or in a particular window of time. A common approach to achieve inducibility involves the site-specific recombinase ‘Cre’, which is linked to a modified version of one of various steroid hormone-binding domains. Thus, the expression of Cre is regulated such that a functional nuclear transgene product can only be generated with the addition of an exogenous ligand. However, critical requirements of this system are that the nuclear localization of the transgene product be tightly regulated, that the dosage of the inducing agent remains consistent among experimental animals and that the transgene cassette cannot express in the absence of the inducing agent. We used the Cre ER(T2) cassette, which is regulated by the addition of the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen to determine whether cross-contamination of tamoxifen between animals housed together can be a significant source of spurious results. We found that cross-contamination of exogenous tamoxifen does occur. It occurred in all animals tested. We suggest that the mechanism of contamination is through exposure to tamoxifen in the general environment and/or to coprophagous behavior. These results have important implications for the interpretation and design of experiments that use ‘inducible’ transgenic animals.

Key words: Tamoxifen, Estrogen receptor, Inducible transgenic, Cre, Hormone-binding domain, ER(T2).

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